Outputting xls files with thumbnail images
Outputting xls files with thumbnail images

I'm using tabletools with an image checklist (a large table with a thumbnail image on each row, and about 10 columns of text data) whose images I'd like to appear in an exported xls file. So far I've NOT been able to get the images to export.
Is this even possible? If so, can someone point me in the right direction?
Thank you.
datatables Version: 1.8.1
fixedheader Version: 2.0.4
Is this even possible? If so, can someone point me in the right direction?
Thank you.
datatables Version: 1.8.1
fixedheader Version: 2.0.4
This discussion has been closed.
True. The outputted xls is really just a csv file and doesn't support binary data.
I was hoping someone had luck/experience including images as a base64 encoded string. I, obviously, know nothing about how to use base64. Perhaps this is a question better asked at php.net?