responsivePriority and scrollXY
responsivePriority and scrollXY

Hi, i have a problem when i try to fix de last column with responsivePriority, It only works when I put scrollX or scrollY with a value, if they are both false it does not work, my code is:
`this.dataTable = this.tabla.DataTable({
data: this.datos,
paging: this.datos.length > 10 ? true : false,
searching: this.datos.length > 1 ? true : false,
info: true,
responsive: {
details: true
fixedHeader: true,
// scrollX: true,
// scrollY: '44vh',
columns: [
{ title: "Nombre", responsivePriority: 2, "width": "25vw", orderable: true },
{ title: "Número de emplazamientos", responsivePriority: 3, "width": "25vw", orderable: true },
{title : 'Capas', responsivePriority:4, "width": "25vw", orderable: true},
{ title: '<button class="idn-panel-medida-btn mdc-ripple-surface" id="mostrarO"><i title="Ocultar filtros" class="mdi mdi-filter-remove"></i></button>', responsivePriority: 1, "width": "25vw", orderable: false, className: 'idn-tabla-columna-icono'}
"initComplete": function () {
var api = this.api();
// scope.hazListenerEditar(api);
// console.log(api);
the application has made in nodejs, and this code is a part of an function.
Thanks in advance for your answers
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We're happy to take a look, but as per the forum rules, please link to a test case - a test case that replicates the issue will ensure you'll get a quick and accurate response. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.
Hi Colin, thanks for the support, I have created a test case here:,js,output, this is a method from a big class.
Regards and sorry for my bad english
I'm sorry, but I have modified the live datatables and the new url is:
Thanks in advance
Well, my problem is solved, it was a problem with a css that gave height to a layer that should have height = 0. Thanks a lot for your interest.
Best regards
Glad all fixed!