table id=example - Invalid JSON response
table id=example - Invalid JSON response

ı am trying to launch the processed results on XCMSonline website at:
but keep getting the
DataTables warning: table id=example - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see
error when trying to view my results.
I have no idea about what it is about and don't know how to fix it. (or can I fix it)
Any help will be appreciated.
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Diagnostic steps are explained at the link in the error message. That would be where to start debugging.
This what I end up getting after following the JSON instructions.
As the tech note says, if the server isn't sending back JSON, you'll need to address that - it'll be a problem in the server scripts.
So do I need to approach to XCMS folks then at Scripps then?
The XCMSonline worked perfectly fine till today and I have no idea where this bug came from.
Forgive me for my ignorance but I am a total alien tocomputing terms such as JSON, Ajax request and these kind of stuff.
I am just a good biochemist trying to analyze my experimental data and faced this issue and quite desperate now and even don't know where to go from here.
Yep, on your screenshots, the server-side scripts are either returning nothing, or "NA" - we would expect to be sent a JSON object containing the table's data - so you need to speak to whoever owns/maintains those server-side scripts.
Thanks Colin, I have already contacted wıth them and they will take care of it.
It is quite strange as the XCMS is a super user friendly and a problem free online tool. Thank you very much for your promt replies
Just as a notification we found the solution. I was just using some Turkish characters like Ü and Ö in the job name while using XCMS interfaces. Somehow it was messing it up. When the server admin changed the Ü to U it reloaded.
Wanted to share if anybody else faces a similar issue.
Thanks for posting back.