Help - datatables return UTF-8 BOM character before json string.
Help - datatables return UTF-8 BOM character before json string.

Hi, please help.
Datatables returns the "ď» ż "character in json_encode, exactly the" U + FEFF" (hexadecimal "EF BB BF") character as the beginning of the JSON string.
The character is just before {"draw": 0, ...} in the result code from the "ssp :: complex" class.
It's first char.
Error from datatables js parser: "DataTables warning: table id=tabela - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see"
What could be the reason for this?
I attach a file with this sign.
Please help me how to remove it from the string.
I just have to remove it from json string.
It would be something in your server-side script adding that. Are you using the supplied scripts, or have you modified them in any way or using your own?