Multi Filtering by column on serverside table
Multi Filtering by column on serverside table

hey guys i've made a datatable using serverside with ajax however I'm not able to user column filtering i just doesn't work.
this is my code
var dataTableChamado = $('#arquivos3').DataTable({
"order": [[ 3, "desc" ]],
"processing": false,
"lengthChange": true,
"lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, 10000000], [10, 25, 50, "Todos"]],
"dom": 'lBfrtip',
"buttons": [
{extend: 'excel', title: 'Logic - Todos Chamados'},
{extend: 'pdf', title: 'Logic - Todos Chamados'}
"columnDefs": [ {
"targets": 1,
"render": function ( data, type, row ) {
return '<a href="chamado.php?id='+row[0]+'">'+data+'</a>';
{ className: "my_class", "targets": [ 0 ] },
"targets": 0,
"render": function ( data, type, row ) {
return '<a href="chamado.php?id='+row[0]+'">'+data+'</a>';
"targets": 8,
"render": function ( data, type, row ) {
return '<span>Aberto</span>';
return '<span>Fechado</span>';
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": {
url: "includes/tabelaChamado.php", // json datasource
type: "post", // method , by default get
"initComplete": function() {
var $buttons = $('.dt-buttons').hide();
$("#pdf").on("click", function() {
$("#excel").on("click", function() {
this.api().columns().every( function () {
var column = this;
var select = $('<select><option value=""></option></select>')
.appendTo( $(column.footer()).empty() )
.on( 'change', function () {
var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex(
.search( val ? '^'+val+'$' : '', true, false )
} ); function ( d, j ) {
select.append( '<option value="'+d+'">'+d+'</option>' )
} );
} );
on initComplete I call all the footer selects to filter and the draw function but it still not working.
hope you guys can help me.
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Can you link to a page showing the issue, please?