DataTable Reload blink
DataTable Reload blink

Hello again, I would like one last help, good at the moment I have a DataTable that has an auto refresh if the button is 'checked=true' but what happens is the following I have to destroy the DataTable so she doesn't return the error V3, and with that she blinks, what disturbs my users, I would like a help so she doesn't have this "blink", a way to atultimate it without her blinking, thank you in advance
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is one option. Fetching the data via an external ajax request then usingclear()
followed byrows.add()
is another option. Neither of these requires destroying the Datatable nor initializing it. Please post more information of how you are currently reloading the table if you have further questions.Kevin
Hello Kevin you really are an angel always trying to help me, good then explaining better my situation, I have 1 screen where I used to load the data table the 'table.ajax.url.load()' but I put yesterday 'ajax'.relaod()' happens that to use any of the 2, when I call them on my timeInverval I have to destroy them, if not it returns me the error V3 saying that the table has already been initialized, I believe that this destroy that makes it blink, I'll use my code only with the table so you can help me, right? sorry English, I'm using online translator
link: (
obs: Kevin just a remark, I didn't put the whole code because it's too big so I put only the part that encompasses DataBase
obs: The only exception is that I'm using MVC structure so the 'GetCareOrder' function is receiving the (startDate, endDate, status, OperationFixLoaded, handleGenericError)
and it's not in the same file as the table, it's in the api connection file, but that's how the code works but I really need the table not to blink, thanks kevin
Is this the function you are having problems with?
Have you tried this?
That would be the refresh function of the table.
Kevin you saved me man I am with the Dev tool of the browser open and the Table does not blink and has the call of Api, as I am pointing to the test environment I have no data flowing but just by calling the connection I believe it will work, thanks
Problem solved, anything gets in touch, take care. vlw
Hello Kevin, have I solved the problem, could you close the topic?