How to update the cell in a row using the custom textbox also in the same row
How to update the cell in a row using the custom textbox also in the same row

Hi! I just wanted to ask something regarding inline editing of datatable but first let me explain what i did.
This is how I declare my datatable.
tbl_item_list =
'destroy' : true,
'paging' : true,
'lengthChange' : false,
'pageLength' : 50,
'ordering' : true,
'info' : true,
'autoWidth' : true,
'select' : true,
'sDom' : 'tp<"clear">',
'aoColumnDefs': [
{ targets: [0],width: "10px"},
{"className": "dt-center", "targets": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]},
{"className": "custom-center", "targets": 0}
"fnCreatedRow": function( nRow, aData, iDataIndex ) {
$('td:eq(0)', nRow).append('<button id="remove_row" name="remove_row" type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></button>');
$('td:eq(6)', nRow).append('<input type="text" class="form-control cust-label cust-textbox dt-textbox" id="txt-qty" name="txt-qty" onkeypress="return validateFloatKeyPress(this,event);">');
$('td:eq(7)', nRow).append('<input type="text" class="form-control cust-label cust-textbox dt-textbox" id="txt-disc" name="txt-disc" onkeypress="return validateFloatKeyPress(this,event);">');
'fnRowCallback' : function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
$('td', nRow).attr('nowrap','nowrap');
return nRow;
}).on('user-select', function (e, dt, type, cell, originalEvent) {
if ($(cell.node()).parent().hasClass('selected')) {
As you can see on fnCreatedRow i add some elements which means when I add a new row a 2 textbox and a button it will show that elements.
Now here is my question. How can I update the last cell of the row while im typing on the textbox?
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