Showing displayed url links from JSON file clickable to download a file
Showing displayed url links from JSON file clickable to download a file
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Hi There,
I've had a look at this and don't get it.
I need to show column 3 display data (url's) as clickable.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
"columnDefs": [ {
"targets": 3,
"data": "download_link",
"render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
return '<a href="'+data+'">Download</a>';
} ]
<!--"serverSide": true,-->
<!--"processing": true,-->
"dataSrc": "features"
<!--"dataSrc": "tableData"-->
"columns": [
{ "data": "properties.BoreholeId"},
{ "data": "properties.ArchiveId" },
{ "data": "properties.Description" },
{ "data": "properties.UNCPath" },
dom: 'lfrtBip',
buttons: [
'copy', 'csv'
Is this possible with the column render api?
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Yep, that's possible, the problem is that you're defining
, so the former will be over-written.Try this instead:
Awesome thanks Colin
The properties.UNCPath was already a URL so I wanted to display that, I found this reference return '<a href="'+data+'">'+data+'</a>'; which was what I was looking for.
Is it possible to modify this part
{ "data": "properties.UNCPath", "render": function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
return '<a href="'+data+'">Download</a>';
} },
So that if the data is null it doesn't display a download link just a blank space?
Use an if statement and if the data is null use
return "";
else return the link.Kevin
Thanks Kevin, is that a datatables specific if statement or standard javascript? I don't know javascript if it is so will need to search for it :-)
Standard Javascript. It would look something like this:
Didn't test it so there maybe syntax errors.
Thanks Kevin, I'll give that a whirl or try this