submit editor data to servlet
submit editor data to servlet
I'm stuck getting the editor to submit to servlet. When I click "save", servlet is invoked. However, I'm not seeing data being passed back.
$(document).ready(function() {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
ajax: "/DB7/SaveScreenDataServlet?theSessionId=E831FAE181D44A7F851A150B284672C36710",
template: '#customEditForm',
idSrc: 'id', //column 0 contains the id field of the screen data table
formOptions: { main: { focus: null } },
table: '#historyTable',
display: onPageDisplay( $('#form-container') ),
fields: [
{label: 'Effective Date', name: 'Effective_Dte', id: 'Effective_Dte', type: 'datetime', format: 'MM/DD/YYYY', opts:{yearRange:100}, attr:{type:'datetime',maxlength:10,placeholder:' / / '} }
{label: 'Job_History_ID', name: 'Job_History_ID', id: 'Job_History_ID', type: 'hidden' }
{label: 'Type', name: 'Job_Type_Code', id: 'Job_Type_Code', type: 'select', options:
{label: "CO : Company", value: "CO : Company"},
{label: "DIV : Division", value: "DIV : Division"},
{label: "LOC : Location", value: "LOC : Location"},
{label: "CLASS : Employment Class", value: "CLASS : Employment Class"},
{label: "EMPCAT : Employment Category", value: "EMPCAT : Employment Category"},
{label: "JOBCAT : Job Category", value: "JOBCAT : Job Category"},
{label: "PLAN : Plan Code", value: "PLAN : Plan Code"},
{label: "UNION : Union Code", value: "UNION : Union Code"}
{label: 'Emp_Employee_ID', name: 'Emp_Employee_ID', id: 'Emp_Employee_ID', type: 'hidden' }
{label: 'Value', name: 'Job_Value_Code', id: 'Job_Value_Code', type: 'select', options:
{label: "A : ABC Company", value: "A : ABC Company"},
{label: "B : BTF Company", value: "B : BTF Company"},
{label: "C : CXW Company", value: "C : CXW Company"},
{label: "D : DYZ Company", value: "D : DYZ Company"},
{label: "E : ESB Company", value: "E : ESB Company"},
{label: "F : F Company", value: "F : F Company"},
{label: 'revision_id', name: 'revision_id', id: 'revision_id', type: 'hidden' }
]} );
I tried changing this line
ajax: "/DB7/SaveScreenDataServlet?theSessionId=E831FAE181D44A7F851A150B284672C36710",
ajax: ({
url : "/DB7/SaveScreenDataServlet?theSessionId=E831FAE181D44A7F851A150B284672C36710",
type: "post",
data : form_data
and the screen no longer loads. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
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That sounds like a server-side issue. Have you debugged the server script? Is it being triggered? Does it respond?
Yes. The servlet is invoked. But I don't know how to get access to the data on the request object. I looked into it in debugger and all mapping, attributes seems to be null? I'm Thanks!
I also changed the ajax call a little and it did not help.
I'd say don't do that. Just let Editor submit the data as normal (it will do so with the parameters documented here).
How do you normally read POST data in the servlet? I don't know any Java at all I'm afraid!