How to get Events occurring after file export.
How to get Events occurring after file export.

Hi everyone.
I applied the Datable Plugin when receive the excel file because there ware some problems with the existing excel export method.
All the pages could not be changed, so i tried to make a pop-up form and apply Datatable Plugin and call this on each page.
Successfully drawing tables and buttons in pop-up windows and using a table.buttons().trigger() to automatically select the export button on screen calls and The Excel file was successfully received, but a pop-up window remains.
So I tried to close it automatically after receiving it, but it didn't work.
How do I get events after 'Save As'?
This thread should help, it's asking the same thing.
Thank you answer, but it doesn't work.
If I understand correctly, I think it should be done in order of
event is called before the save as window.(indicator
stat is true).buttons-processing
event is called after the save as window close.(indicator
stat is false).But, the test results in two events before the pop-up is called.
No event occurs when I am pressed to save or cancel.
Ah I see, the "save as" is browser specific, you'll notice that Chrome doesn't offer that - it just saves the file. Firefox and IE both display a pop-up. Because of that, there isn't a trigger (AFAIK) that can trigger once the browser specific behaviour has completed.