I want to make the link transaction to new tab
I want to make the link transaction to new tab

I made some new Datatables, and I try to make a hyperlink to that.
Here is the code that I wrote.
var apiInfo = {
url: staff_list_url,
method: "GET",
parameter: "SearchArea",
aoColumns: [
sTitle: "CODE", mData: "CODE", sClass: "dt-body-center",
link: { url: "@Url.Content("~/Staff/Summary")", parameter: ["CODE"] }
sTitle: "NAME", mData: "NAME",
if i press the "CODE", I can transfer to the page which is written as @Url.Content (localhost/Staff/Summary)
but It transfer in the same tab, I want to transfer with new tab.
This discussion has been closed.
That's not specific to DataTables, that's standard HTML - see pages like this,