No Effect for Multi Filter Search Columns for Deactivated Colums by Default

No Effect for Multi Filter Search Columns for Deactivated Colums by Default

RoloTomasiRoloTomasi Posts: 18Questions: 9Answers: 0

Hi all,

I need a last one features. Hope so. Unfortunately I cannot show it by fiddle, because the important part of the code, which is fine on my localhost destroys the table in fiddle. It's that "columnDefs" part, which is deactivated in fiddle. But this is the part my question deals with.

So the actual question is this one.
I'm able to deactivate the colums 11-21 as default. If someone wishes information e.g. for "Erzielte Tore pro Spiel", she should fade in the columns by using "Spalten ein/ausblenden". But with execution of this button only the colums are diplayed, the filter in the second row, doesn't have any effect.

Is there a poosibility to make them active like the other search columns?
Thanks in advance,


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,734Questions: 26Answers: 5,031

    Among other things this thread discusses this issue and another that I think you have. The other is if you hide a column the searches don't apply to the correct column. For example with all the columns visible searching for 64 in the Erzielte Tore column works. Hide Saison and now searching for 64 doesn't work. But if you search for 28 it finds the first row since it is actually searching the Spiele column.

    For the issue you posted look for my example using the column-visibility event. For the second issue look for the answer with $(this).parent().index()+':visible'.


  • RoloTomasiRoloTomasi Posts: 18Questions: 9Answers: 0

    Indeed there were two issues.
    With adding of $(this).parent().index()+':visible' part I was now able to search for the values, which belong to the head above.
    But with the column-visibility Event I was not able to implement to make colums searchable, when not visible by default. I'm not deep enough in JQuery. :/

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,734Questions: 26Answers: 5,031

    This code didn't work for you?

      // When a column becomes visible add the input in case it was initially hidden by stateSave
      $('#example').on( 'column-visibility.dt', function ( e, settings, column, state ) {
        // Column changed to visible
        if ( state ) {
          // Get the second row TH
          var rowTwoTH = $(table.column( column ).header()).parent().next().find('th:eq(' + column + ')');
          // Add input if calls is filterhead
          if ( $(rowTwoTH).hasClass('filterhead') ) {
            var title = $(table.column( column ).header()).text();
            $(rowTwoTH).html( '<input type="text" placeholder="Search '+title+'" class="column_search" />' );
      } );

    Do you get errors? What happens? Can you update my example or create your own or provide a link to your page so we can take a look?


  • RoloTomasiRoloTomasi Posts: 18Questions: 9Answers: 0

    Thank you. It works. I just put the part you posted underneath my code.
    I was a little bit frightened, because there is so many other code, which - I thought - didn't fit to that and I cannot easily alter it anymore.
    But now I've two more challenges.

    The first one is that only the columns next to the column which is visible by default becomes searchable. If I chosse the next but one column, it has no effect anymore.

    The second one is that it is not really responsive anymore. I tried to play with responsive-resize, but not successful.

    Regards Thilo

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