Datatables not work
Datatables not work

On page load ,i send a ajax request and get a table from the server.I receive the ajax request in php and get the data from the database and embet it with table and send the response by using echo json_encdoe($form)
I'm using datatables with this form but it's not work
This discussion has been closed.
$form = '';
$form .= '<link href="">';
$form .= '
// $form .= '';
$form .= '';
$form .= '';
$form .= "jQuery(document).ready(function($){"; $form .= "$('#select_all').on('click',function(){"; $form .= "if(this.checked){"; $form .= "$('.checkbox').each(function(){"; $form .= "this.checked = true;"; $form .= "});"; $form .= "}else{"; $form .= "$('.checkbox').each(function(){"; $form .= "this.checked = false;"; $form .= " });"; $form .= "}"; $form .= " });"; $form .= "});"; $form .= "jQuery('#select_all_form').on('submit',function(e){"; $form .= "e.preventDefault();"; $form .= "var form = $(this);"; $form .= "$.ajax({"; $form .= "url : base_url + 'home/bulkaction',"; $form .= "type: 'POST',"; $form .= "data : form.serialize(),"; $form .= "dataType: 'json',"; $form .= "success:function(res){"; $form .= "if(res.status == 'true'){"; $form .= "alert(res.msg);"; $form .= "$('#select_all_form')[0].reset();"; $form .= "}else{"; $form .= "alert(res.msg);"; $form .= "}"; $form .= "}"; $form .= "});"; $form .= ""; $form .= "$.ajax({"; $form .= "url : base_url + 'home/get_data',"; $form .= "type: 'GET',"; $form .= "dataType: 'json',"; $form .= "success: function(res){"; $form .= "$('#table_data').html(res);"; $form .= "}"; $form .= "});"; $form .= ""; $form .= "$('#mydatatable').DataTable();"; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= "});"; $form .= "";
echo json_encode($form);
Please use markdown to highlight your code. See below.
Here is the link of my code
Why are you encoding Javascript as JSON? That won't work unless you are using
or something similarly unsafe on the client-side?I don't really get what the code is trying to do I'm afraid. If you could link to a test case (per the forum rules) that would be useful.