Buttons: rendered html different according to the environment
Buttons: rendered html different according to the environment

I'm trying to customize the buttons behaviour in my tables.
So far, I try the following markup:
DT_TypesHoraires = $("#DT_TypesHoraires").DataTable({
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
text: 'TSV',
extend: 'csvHtml5',
fieldSeparator: ';',
extension: '.csv',
bom: true,
attr: {
id: 'btnExportTypesHoraires'
In my dev environment I get the following html:
<button class="dt-button buttons-csv buttons-html5" tabindex="0" aria-controls="DT_TypesHoraires" type="button" id="btnExportTypesHoraires"><span>TSV</span></button>
But in my production environment I get the following:
<a class="dt-button buttons-csv buttons-html5" tabindex="0" aria-controls="DT_TypesHoraires" href="#"><span>TSV</span></a>
This does not suit me. How can I get the same html markup in production than in development?
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