Trigger a row button programmaticaly on dblclick
Trigger a row button programmaticaly on dblclick

Hello everyone,
I have created a table using datatable serverside.
In my columnDef, I define this columns :
"render": function ( data, type, row ) {
return '<a class="js-popin" href="{% url 'main:client_info' %}" data-popin-size="big" data-popin-type="card"><i class="c-fonticon__icon-plus"></i></a>'
"targets": 10,
I can select a row by this way :
$('#table_client tbody').on( 'dblclick', 'tr', function () {
var id = table.row( table.$(this) ).data().id;
alert( 'You clicked on '+id+'\'s row' );
} );
What I would like to do is trigger the row button on double click on the corresponding row.
Is it something possible ?
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By the "row button", do you mean the
Infurtunatly it don't work, it simulate a click on the first row and not on the a tag.
I have added table.$(this) in $('a.js-popin', table.row(table.$(this)).node()).click() but it don't work too.
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