Compare data values with ajax
Compare data values with ajax

I want to compare extn values in ajax.
example1, extn value greater than 5000, this row load.
example2, extn value is 5000 or less, this row load.
Name Position Office salary extn
Herrod Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco $137,500 9608
Quinn Flynn Support Lead Edinburgh $342,000 9497
Name Position Office salary extn
Brielle Williamson Integration Specialist New York $372,000 4804
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco $115,000 4389
This is the answer I want. my jsfiddle.
What's the way? please help. thanks.
You can't selectively add or remove rows from the ajax, so the best way to proceed would be to change the ajax itself. You can either do it on the server, only sending the extns you want, or within
, where you can remove the entries you don't want in the table.Colin