Table Captions
Table Captions
Hi, just recently started using JQuery and JQuery UI and when i needed a table to support themes I found Datatables and so far its all looking great. i have 1 niggle though. Table captions dont look very nice!
I added a couple of classes to get them themed with a bit of JQuery
$("caption").addClass("fg-toolbar ui-widget-header");
which looks ok but I find that because the caption in no longer at the top of the table it makes it tricky to spot. Is it possibe to hide the original caption and either incorporate the caption text into the toolbar (where the filter is etc) or in a new element at the top of the table ?
I added a couple of classes to get them themed with a bit of JQuery
$("caption").addClass("fg-toolbar ui-widget-header");
which looks ok but I find that because the caption in no longer at the top of the table it makes it tricky to spot. Is it possibe to hide the original caption and either incorporate the caption text into the toolbar (where the filter is etc) or in a new element at the top of the table ?
This discussion has been closed.
"sDom": '<"H"lfr><'#mycaption'>t<"F"ip>';
or search sInfo and sInfoPostFix on