Set order attribute from ajax
Set order attribute from ajax

I use serverside DataTables. Is it possible to set the "order" attribute from ajax?
"columns": [
"proccessing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": {
"order": "order" ??
return Json(new
// this is what datatables wants sending back
draw = draw,
recordsTotal = total,
recordsFiltered = filtered,
data = table,
order = order
I want to sort a table by buttons in another view. So I sort the table on server and give the result via ajax. But of course the datatable doesn't know this order. When I go to the next page, the order is wrong again. I add the oderlist to the json result, but I don't know, how to set it in DataTable.
Thanks for help.
Best regards
Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.
The ordering is determined by the table, as well as the paging, and is included in the request to the server - I'm not clear how it would work if the server determines the order and passes it back to the client.