is there a way to update the table from the result of an api call
is there a way to update the table from the result of an api call

I am populating my table from mysql data. Does anyone know how I could update the data programatically with the result of an ajax call to an external api? I am able to retrieve the data from the call in JSON format and I would like to have it update the pertinent cells in the table without having to do it manually.
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You can just add the rows with
Hi Colin
Thanks for the reply. This is for an admin area not public. I would be updating some existing cells in rows not adding rows or changing an entire row. Below is an example of how a single order data is returned to me from each call to the API. I would have to make a call for each row of data in my table that requires updating based on criteria.
I was thinking that I could create a new button next to the existing NEW /EDIT /DELETE buttons name it UPDATE. Admin would select a row with checkbox and click update which calls the api with ajax and returns the JSON then I pick out the data programatically and insert it in each cell that needs updating.
{"status":"found-order","order_info":{"id":"5339892","name":"MARK ZIMMER","status":"Shipped","percent":100,"ship_from":"TX","ship_date":"March 11, 2020","tracking":{"carrier":"UPS","number":"1ZW3761R234567142","url":"https:\/\/\/mobile\/track?loc=en_US&t=t&trackingNumber=1ZW3761R234567142UPS"}},"message":{"status_message":"Shipped","message_class":"in-process","long_message":"Your order has been shipped."},"display":[{"title":"Details","detail":"Your order has been shipped."},{"title":"Name","detail":"MARK ZIMMER"},{"title":"Ships from","detail":"TX"},{"title":"Ship date","detail":"March 11, 2020"},{"title":"Carrier","detail":"UPS"}]}
You can use
to update the selected row. This example shows how to get the selected row. You can use use a jQuery ajax() or jQuery getJSON() to fetch the data then one of thedata()
APIs to update the row. Usedraw()
to update the table sorting, etc.Kevin
Hi Kevin
That is very helpful . I am new to this table but slowly getting the hang of it. One last question, do you have an example of creating the new button in the editor for the update ? I tried adding to this and it bombed on me. I also am not sure how the parameters would be named if for instance I was using the button to call an api rather than a built in routine.
The example I linked to has a button to fetch the selected cell. You can use something like that. If you still have troubles you can use this basic editor example and update it to show what you are trying to do.
Perfect !! Thank you so much
Hi Kevin
Almost there but having trouble updating table cell. cell().data() doesn't seem to work at all even when I use the sample call shown in your link. I have tried several different ways using the cell().data() method and none have worked. I also tried using plain javascipt to update the cell and it doesn't work either and the table never redraws even when I call table.draw(). I am using the editor version of datatables with the serverside : true variable. Tried tuning that off and still nothing. Running out of ideas
Can you help please ?
Do you want the cell you're updating to be a permanent change? As you're using Editor, are you expecting to get that updated value sent back to the server? If so, you would want to use
would only update the value locally in the table, not in the server.Colin
hi Colin
When I say I am using editor I mean that the editor is being used in my table not that I want to use editor to change values by showing the manual edit window.
I need to change the value of cells from javascript and yes it will be a permanent change updated on the server. My data source is mysql.
I am able to select the target row and column by clicking the row selector checkbox on the table and assigning the dt.row data to the variable rowData
Then by referencing the the data field name 'shipFrom' I get the value of the target cell.
Now all I need to do to wrap all this up is to change the value of that cell and redraw the table but I am having no luck changing the value of that cell even though I can read it. I tried
and it has no effect on the table, does not change the cell or redraw the table. It is ignored and does not even produce an error in the js console.
I have looked at edit api and cell selector api and frankly it is all way over my head. If you or someone could give me a piece of code that will update my cell and table I would be done with this and I can move on.
Try this:
You need to use
to update the Datatables data cache.Kevin
Hi Kevin
Thanks for the code but again nothing happened, no cell change and no redraw. I inspected the console network response tab and it is firing with this response which is the entire data for all rows but the field I want to change "shipFrom" is still empty or null
Here is the JS code for the call
You have
serverSide: true,
which will use Ajax to fetch the current page's data from the server which will overwrite the update rowData )
. You can try the update without usingdraw()
but then the table's sorting and searching would be updated based on the table change.Are you wanting to also update your database with this value? If so then the
is the better option. Maybe something like this:For example:
YAY!!!! Hey Kevin you nailed it !! When I first ran it I got an error on the console, field: shipFrom is not defined then I realized it is supposed to be shippedFrom and when I changed it everything worked ...
Thank you so much .. I can now move on