DataTables Select: No Responsive +/- Icon when Checkboxes Displayed in Truncated View
DataTables Select: No Responsive +/- Icon when Checkboxes Displayed in Truncated View

I'm using DataTables-Select with CSS-drawn checkboxes.
I notice that when I resize the window in Responsive mode, I don't see the +/- icons; the checkbox serves that purpose. Is that by design? The only way to see the hidden content is to click the Checkbox?
One other question: How would I capture the Responsive Mode-ON / Mode-OFF Event? Suppose in one case, the table is resized into the Responsive mode with some hidden content. I need to have some code that runs in that case. Then, the table is brought back into the Full mode. I also need some separate handler I need for that.
let example = $('#example').DataTable({
columnDefs: [{
orderable: false,
className: 'select-checkbox',
targets: 0
select: {
style: 'os',
selector: 'td:first-child'
order: [
[1, 'asc']
You are trying to use the same column for two purposes; one for the slect checkbox and one for Responsive. Both have click events doing different things. You could add another column and have the responsive icons in column 0 then the checkbox in column 1, something like this:
Or you could move the responsive column control to another column, like this example.
will fire when column visibility has changed.Kevin
Thank you, I have one more question: When I click +/-, or maximize the window, I see that the "parent" CSS is correctly dropped.
But the "parent" CSS is NOT dropped when I resize the window with e.g. the Maximize button. Any reason for that?