change columndDefs after document is ready possible ?
change columndDefs after document is ready possible ?

i set my table columnDefs after document ready like this example and this still works as expected (i use 12,23 as decimal seperator, so i have to change this twice):
"columnDefs": [{
"targets": [3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
"createdCell": function (td, cellData, rowData, row, col) {
//Remove the formatting to get integer data for summation
cellData = cellData.replace(',', '.');
if (cellData < 0) {
$(td).css('color', 'red')
$(td).text(cellData.replace('.', ',') + ' \u20AC');
if (cellData >= 0) {
$(td).css('color', 'green')
$(td).text(cellData.replace('.', ',') + ' \u20AC');
Now I use a Select which filter my table with
Depending on the selected value of the Select i need the possibility to change also the columnDefs
to append instead of the € sign the $ sign in the cells.
Best would be to fire an event from the Select
$('#Select').on('change', function () {....}
How can i achieve this ? Or can anyone show a way to change this after document is ready ?
Thanks a lot
Instead of using
(which is only called when the cell is created), move the logic intorowCallback
as this is called on every draw. That should do the trick,Colin
Hi Collin,
thanks a lot for your reply. It helped me an i could resolve this now !
With best regards