Can we initialize datatable in success property of ajax?

Can we initialize datatable in success property of ajax?


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,726Questions: 26Answers: 5,027

    I copied your code here so we can look at it:

     $('#id_fetch,.filterOkButton').on('click', function () {
                        url: '/Reports/_GetDiscountGrid',
                        data: {
                            State: stat,
                            Zone: zon,
                            Amrac: amr,
                            Store: store,
                            Hierarchy: hirarcy,
                            DiscountType: discountType,
                            Itemcategorycode: itemcatCode,
                            Itemcode: code,
                            Period: period,
                            OfferNo: offernumber
                        datatype: "html",
                        success: function (data) {
                            //initializing DataTable 
                            var countRecords = data.recordCount;
                            var totalOfDiscount = data.sumDiscount;
                            var totalOfNetValue = data.total_Net_Value;
                            var totalOfQuantity = data.total_quantity;
                            var dataset = "";
                            var out = [];
                            out = data.res;
                                serverSide: true,
                                ordering: false,
                                searching: false,
                                lengthChange: false,
                                footer: true,
                                scrollY: 500,
                                scrollX: true,
                                scroller: {
                                    loadingIndicator: true
                                columnDefs: [{ targets: [14, 16, 17], className: 'dt-body-right' },
                                { targets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15], classname: 'dt-body-left' }
                                dom: 'Bfrtip',
                                async: false,
                                ajax: function (data, callback, settings) {
                                    var transferDate = '';
                                    var parsedDate = '';
                                    var expiryDate = '';
                                    var parsedExpiryDate = '';
                                    dataset = data.res;
                                    countRecords = data.recordCount;
                                    totalOfDiscount = data.sumDiscount;
                                    totalOfNetValue = data.total_Net_Value;
                                    totalOfQuantity = data.total_quantity;
                                    //pushing into array 
                                    for (var i = 0; i < data.res.length; i++) {
                                        transferDate = data.res[i].TransDate;
                                        parsedDate = moment(transferDate);
                                        data.res[i].TransDate = parsedDate.format('DD-MM-YYYY');
                                        expiryDate = data.res[i].ExpirationDate;
                                        parsedExpiryDate = moment(expiryDate);
                                        data.res[i].ExpirationDate = parsedExpiryDate.format('DD-MM-YYYY');
                                        if (hirarcy == "I") {
                                            out.push([data.res[i].state, data.res[i].zone,
                                            data.res[i].Depot, data.res[i].StoreCode, data.res[i].OfferType, data.res[i].DiscountType,
                                            data.res[i].OfferNo, data.res[i].Description, data.res[i].ReceiptNo, data.res[i].TransDate,
                                            data.res[i].Category, data.res[i].ItemCode, data.res[i].LotNo, data.res[i].ExpirationDate,
                                            data.res[i].Quantity, data.res[i].FreeItem, data.res[i].NetValue, data.res[i].Discount]);
                                        else if (hirarcy == "S") {
                                            out.push([data.res[i].state, data.res[i].zone, data.res[i].amro,
                                            data.res[i].StoreCode, data.res[i].OfferType, data.res[i].DiscountType,
                                            data.res[i].OfferNo, data.res[i].Description, data.res[i].ReceiptNo, data.res[i].TransDate,
                                            data.res[i].Category, data.res[i].ItemCode, data.res[i].LotNo, data.res[i].ExpirationDate,
                                            data.res[i].Quantity, data.res[i].FreeItem, data.res[i].NetValue, data.res[i].Discount]);
                                        else if (hirarcy == "F") {
                                            out.push([data.res[i].state, data.res[i].zone, data.res[i].rac,
                                            data.res[i].StoreCode, data.res[i].OfferType, data.res[i].DiscountType,
                                            data.res[i].OfferNo, data.res[i].Description, data.res[i].ReceiptNo, data.res[i].TransDate,
                                            data.res[i].Category, data.res[i].ItemCode, data.res[i].LotNo, data.res[i].ExpirationDate,
                                            data.res[i].Quantity, data.res[i].FreeItem, data.res[i].NetValue, data.res[i].Discount]);
                                    };//end of for loop 
                                    setTimeout(function () {
                                            draw: data.draw,
                                            data: out,
                                            recordsTotal: parseInt(countRecords),
                                            recordsFiltered: parseInt(countRecords)
                                    }, 150); //scroll request size and limit size is same 
                                }, //end of Datatable ajax 
                                footerCallback: function (row, data, start, end, display) {
                                    var api = this.api()
                                    var json = api.ajax.json();
                                    var api = this.api(), data;
                                    $(api.column(17).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfDiscount);
                                    $(api.column(16).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfNetValue);
                                    $(api.column(14).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfQuantity);
                            });//end of dataTable
                        },//end of success for _GetDiscountGrid
                        error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                            if (jqXHR.status == 500) {
                                alert('Internal error: ' + jqXHR.responseText);
                            } else {
                                alert('Please revise your FILTER selection as the \n' +
                                    'information You are fetching has more than 1 lac Records');
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,726Questions: 26Answers: 5,027

    Thats a lot of code to look through. It will be hard to debug without actually seeing the page and the data. Can you post a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue?

    To answer your question - yes you can initialize Datatables from within the success function. Not sure I totally get what you are trying to do.

    In your SO thread you state:

    There is no error in console or javascript code. But my dataTable is not drawn.

    Does this mean you see an empty Datatable or no Datatable at all?

    It seems like what you have is overly complex. You have serverSide: true, which is expecting the row data to be paged by the server. Does your server script perform paging or return all of the data?

    Can you post a snippet of the JSON response from your server?


  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    Wow, Kevin,, i am not sure what all to post.

    But here goes :
    1.Does this mean you see an empty Datatable or no Datatable at all?- I am not seeing any dataTable at all.

    2.Does your server script perform paging or return all of the data?-- Row data is not paged by server. It just returns the data from Stored Procedure.

  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    So i am not sure if this would suffice but this is what i am getting JSON response from action controller method.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,726Questions: 26Answers: 5,027

    Thats a good start, thanks.

    Looks like 150 rows of data is return along with some other data points. If you just want to display those 150 rows you could do something as simple as this:

    You would use data.res instead of, for example:

          url: "/ajax/arrays.txt",
          success: function (data) {
            data = JSON.parse(data);
            $('#example').DataTable( {
                  data: data.res
            } );

    You are doing some data manipulation in the Datatables ajax function. You can move it into the success function before initializing Datatables.

    Remove the serverSide: true option and the ajax option. Lets see if that gets you closer to what you want.


  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    I actually solved this problem and ran into something else now. I achieved the onscroll data load. however, after scroll when the next set of 150 records is supposed to come what is happening that it is showing me previous records. I check edin controllers the data they are sending is correct but why previous set of data is gettig loaded in baffling. Morever ,the new set of data i see for a fraction of second before the grid gets refreshed to previous data automatically.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,726Questions: 26Answers: 5,027

    Guessing you are calling draw() somewhere that is causing it to go to the first page??

    Please post a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue so we can take a look.


  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    setTimeout(function () {
    draw: data.draw,
    data: out,
    recordsTotal: parseInt(countRecords),
    recordsFiltered: parseInt(countRecords)
    }, 14);

    I think ,this might be the problem.

  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    ok, let me generate a link so that you can replicate the test. But , how will i replicate the database, i don't know. My data is coming from database.

  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    You were,right. When i made one of the columns to be displayed in ascending order, i found that after few micro seconds it is going to the first page.

  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    But i have not yet figured out solution.

  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    It looks like you're fiddling with the data inside ajax. Wouldn't it be easier to do that in the success function for the ajax call, and then pass that data into DataTables with data?


  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    Any chance you are talking like this?

    function initializeDataTable(data) { $('#tbldiscountDIV').show(); //function initializeDataTable() { //$('#tbldiscountDIV').empty(); //$('#tbldiscountDIV').show(); $('#tblDiscount').DataTable().clear(); $('#tblDiscount').DataTable().destroy(); var dataset = data; var countRecords = data.recordCount; var totalOfDiscount = data.sumDiscount; var totalOfNetValue = data.total_Net_Value; var totalOfQuantity = data.total_quantity; var out = []; var hirarcy = '@Session["HierarchyLevel"]'; $('#tblDiscount').DataTable({ serverSide: true, // true ordering: false, // false searching: false, // false lengthChange: false, // pagesize footer: true, columnDefs: [{ targets: [14, 16, 17], className: 'dt-body-right' }, { targets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15], classname: 'dt-body-left' }, { targets: [2], orderable: true } //,{ // targets: [9,13], // render:$.fn.dataTable.render.moment() // } ], //searching: true, dom: 'frBtip', async: false, ajax: function (data, callback, settings) { var skip = 0; if (data.start == 0) skip = 0; else skip = data.start + 50; //data.length; $.ajax({ url: '../Reports/_GetOnScrollData', data: { skipRows: skip, limit: 50 //data.length }, datatype: "Json", async: false, success: function (dataset) { //var item = $.parseJSON(data); var transferDate = ''; var parsedDate = ''; var expiryDate = ''; var parsedExpiryDate = ''; // alert(dataset.recordCount); // dataset = data.res; countRecords = dataset.recordCount; totalOfDiscount = dataset.sumDiscount; totalOfNetValue = dataset.total_Net_Value; totalOfQuantity = dataset.total_quantity; $("#tblDiscount_paginate").hide(); for (var i = 0; i < dataset.res.length; i++) { transferDate = dataset.res[i].TransDate; parsedDate = moment(transferDate); dataset.res[i].TransDate = parsedDate.format('DD-MM-YYYY'); expiryDate = dataset.res[i].ExpirationDate; parsedExpiryDate = moment(expiryDate); dataset.res[i].ExpirationDate = parsedExpiryDate.format('DD-MM-YYYY'); if (hirarcy == "I") { out.push([data.res[i].state, data.res[i].zone, data.res[i].Depot, data.res[i].StoreCode, data.res[i].OfferType, data.res[i].DiscountType, data.res[i].OfferNo, data.res[i].Description, data.res[i].ReceiptNo, data.res[i].TransDate, data.res[i].Category, data.res[i].ItemCode, data.res[i].LotNo, data.res[i].ExpirationDate, data.res[i].Quantity, data.res[i].FreeItem, data.res[i].NetValue, data.res[i].Discount]); } else if (hirarcy == "S") { out.push([dataset.res[i].state, dataset.res[i].zone, dataset.res[i].amro, dataset.res[i].StoreCode, dataset.res[i].OfferType, dataset.res[i].DiscountType, dataset.res[i].OfferNo, dataset.res[i].Description, dataset.res[i].ReceiptNo, dataset.res[i].TransDate, dataset.res[i].Category, dataset.res[i].ItemCode, dataset.res[i].LotNo, dataset.res[i].ExpirationDate, dataset.res[i].Quantity, dataset.res[i].FreeItem, dataset.res[i].NetValue, dataset.res[i].Discount]); } else if (hirarcy == "F") { out.push([dataset.res[i].state, dataset.res[i].zone, dataset.res[i].rac, dataset.res[i].StoreCode, dataset.res[i].OfferType, dataset.res[i].DiscountType, dataset.res[i].OfferNo, dataset.res[i].Description, dataset.res[i].ReceiptNo, dataset.res[i].TransDate, dataset.res[i].Category, dataset.res[i].ItemCode, dataset.res[i].LotNo, dataset.res[i].ExpirationDate, dataset.res[i].Quantity, dataset.res[i].FreeItem, dataset.res[i].NetValue, dataset.res[i].Discount]); } } //console.log(out.length); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (jqXHR.status == 500) { alert('Internal error: ' + jqXHR.responseText); } else { alert('Please revise your FILTER selection as the \n' + 'information You are fetching has more than 1 lac Records'); location.reload(true); } }, }); //data extraction ajax setTimeout(function () { callback({ draw: data.draw, data: out, recordsTotal: parseInt(countRecords), recordsFiltered: parseInt(countRecords) }); }, 50); }, //end of ajax call for controller,call back and settings ajax not the data extraction ajax scrollY: 500, // div height scrollX: true, scroller: { loadingIndicator: true }, footerCallback: function (row, data, start, end, display) { var api = this.api() var json = api.ajax.json(); $(api.column(17).footer()).html(totalOfDiscount); $(api.column(16).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfNetValue); $(api.column(14).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfQuantity); /* var api = this.api(), data; // Remove the formatting to get integer data for summation var intVal = function (i) { return typeof i === 'string' ? i.replace(/[\$,]/g, '') * 1 : typeof i === 'number' ? i : 0; }; // Total over all pages total = api .column(17) .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { return intVal(a) + intVal(b); }, 0); // Total over this page pageTotal = api .column(17, { page: 'current' }) .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { return intVal(a) + intVal(b); }, 0); //// Update footer $(api.column(17).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfDiscount); */ } }); //end of ajax call for scroller }
  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    function initializeDataTable(data) { $('#tblDiscount').DataTable().clear(); $('#tblDiscount').DataTable().destroy(); var dataset = data; var countRecords = data.recordCount; var totalOfDiscount = data.sumDiscount; var totalOfNetValue = data.total_Net_Value; var totalOfQuantity = data.total_quantity; var out = []; var hirarcy = '@Session["HierarchyLevel"]'; $('#tblDiscount').DataTable({ serverSide: true, // true ordering: false, // false searching: false, // false lengthChange: false, // pagesize footer: true, columnDefs: [{ targets: [14, 16, 17], className: 'dt-body-right' }, { targets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15], classname: 'dt-body-left' }, { targets: [2], orderable: true } //,{ // targets: [9,13], // render:$.fn.dataTable.render.moment() // } ], //searching: true, dom: 'frBtip', async: false, ajax: function (data, callback, settings) { var skip = 0; if (data.start == 0) skip = 0; else skip = data.start + 50; //data.length; $.ajax({ url: '../Reports/_GetOnScrollData', data: { skipRows: skip, limit: 50 //data.length }, datatype: "Json", async: false, success: function (dataset) { //var item = $.parseJSON(data); var transferDate = ''; var parsedDate = ''; var expiryDate = ''; var parsedExpiryDate = ''; // alert(dataset.recordCount); // dataset = data.res; countRecords = dataset.recordCount; totalOfDiscount = dataset.sumDiscount; totalOfNetValue = dataset.total_Net_Value; totalOfQuantity = dataset.total_quantity; $("#tblDiscount_paginate").hide(); for (var i = 0; i < dataset.res.length; i++) { transferDate = dataset.res[i].TransDate; parsedDate = moment(transferDate); dataset.res[i].TransDate = parsedDate.format('DD-MM-YYYY'); expiryDate = dataset.res[i].ExpirationDate; parsedExpiryDate = moment(expiryDate); dataset.res[i].ExpirationDate = parsedExpiryDate.format('DD-MM-YYYY'); if (hirarcy == "I") { out.push([data.res[i].state, data.res[i].zone, data.res[i].Depot, data.res[i].StoreCode, data.res[i].OfferType, data.res[i].DiscountType, data.res[i].OfferNo, data.res[i].Description, data.res[i].ReceiptNo, data.res[i].TransDate, data.res[i].Category, data.res[i].ItemCode, data.res[i].LotNo, data.res[i].ExpirationDate, data.res[i].Quantity, data.res[i].FreeItem, data.res[i].NetValue, data.res[i].Discount]); } else if (hirarcy == "S") { out.push([dataset.res[i].state, dataset.res[i].zone, dataset.res[i].amro, dataset.res[i].StoreCode, dataset.res[i].OfferType, dataset.res[i].DiscountType, dataset.res[i].OfferNo, dataset.res[i].Description, dataset.res[i].ReceiptNo, dataset.res[i].TransDate, dataset.res[i].Category, dataset.res[i].ItemCode, dataset.res[i].LotNo, dataset.res[i].ExpirationDate, dataset.res[i].Quantity, dataset.res[i].FreeItem, dataset.res[i].NetValue, dataset.res[i].Discount]); } else if (hirarcy == "F") { out.push([dataset.res[i].state, dataset.res[i].zone, dataset.res[i].rac, dataset.res[i].StoreCode, dataset.res[i].OfferType, dataset.res[i].DiscountType, dataset.res[i].OfferNo, dataset.res[i].Description, dataset.res[i].ReceiptNo, dataset.res[i].TransDate, dataset.res[i].Category, dataset.res[i].ItemCode, dataset.res[i].LotNo, dataset.res[i].ExpirationDate, dataset.res[i].Quantity, dataset.res[i].FreeItem, dataset.res[i].NetValue, dataset.res[i].Discount]); } } //console.log(out.length); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (jqXHR.status == 500) { alert('Internal error: ' + jqXHR.responseText); } else { alert('Please revise your FILTER selection as the \n' + 'information You are fetching has more than 1 lac Records'); location.reload(true); } }, }); //data extraction ajax setTimeout(function () { callback({ draw: data.draw, data: out, recordsTotal: parseInt(countRecords), recordsFiltered: parseInt(countRecords) }); }, 50); }, //end of ajax call for controller,call back and settings ajax not the data extraction ajax scrollY: 500, // div height scrollX: true, scroller: { loadingIndicator: true }, footerCallback: function (row, data, start, end, display) { var api = this.api() var json = api.ajax.json(); $(api.column(17).footer()).html(totalOfDiscount); $(api.column(16).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfNetValue); $(api.column(14).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfQuantity); /* var api = this.api(), data; // Remove the formatting to get integer data for summation var intVal = function (i) { return typeof i === 'string' ? i.replace(/[\$,]/g, '') * 1 : typeof i === 'number' ? i : 0; }; // Total over all pages total = api .column(17) .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { return intVal(a) + intVal(b); }, 0); // Total over this page pageTotal = api .column(17, { page: 'current' }) .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { return intVal(a) + intVal(b); }, 0); //// Update footer $(api.column(17).footer()).html('Total:' + totalOfDiscount); */ } }); //end of ajax call for scroller }
  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0
    edited April 2020

    @colin : are you talking about the above type of code.. it is very complicated what i had to do.

  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    No, the original code around like 54 - that's what I was referring to.


  • chaturvedi_anshumaanchaturvedi_anshumaan Posts: 25Questions: 5Answers: 0

    Lie number 30 in new code is the same.

This discussion has been closed.