Disable double click on arrow key in datatables
Disable double click on arrow key in datatables

I have a table. If I click 1st time on column header then it should sort the column in provided order. If I am clicking again 2nd or more times on column header then it shouldn't do anything.
Note: I want to preserve 1st click sorting order.
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As far as I can see you can't turn off ordering dynamically using the API.
There was something like "column().orderable()". You can still find it with the search, but the link doesn't lead anywhere.
So if the API doesn't support it you can try to hide the ordering arrows using jQuery after the first click.
okay, as I am backend developer and totally new to frontend so can you please provide the code to hide the arrow keys after the first click.
No, sorry. This is not a coding service.
You should either become a front end developer quickly (I did that as well a couple of years ago) or hire a front end developer.
I think you probably don't want to hide the ordering arrows as they show the order of the table. Sounds like you will want to turn off the click event listener on the clicked column. One way to do this is to create a 'click' event handler before Datatables is initialized. Datatables will then add its click handlers which will be executed second. This example shows disabling the click handler after sorting the first column:
Its specific to column 0 due to the selector
. You can remove the:eq(0)
to affect the whole header or change the number to match the column. You will want to become familiar with this page as it will be very useful with Datatables:https://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/
Thanks a lot, it's working but it disables the clicks on other columns as well.
I don't want that. My scenario is sorting applies on every column. Suppose I have 3 columns and i clicked on first column arrow key then it disables for the second click but other two columns click should work. Same case with the other two columns so columns are also not fixed that only first column click should disable.
In the example I provided the only column the click even tis disabled on is the first one. I'm able to click on the others. Does that not work for you?
Based on your other thread this may not be what you want to do. See my response there for more info.
No, It didn't work.
The example isn't working or the code isn't working on your page?
I click on the Name column, it sorts then I can't click on it again. But I can sort any other column.
Yes, but I am unable to sort other columns as well
I'm not sure why its not working for you. Maybe a browser issue. I use Chrome. But it might not matter since this is probably not what you want for the solution.
We're happy to take a look, but as per the forum rules, please link to a test case - a test case that replicates the issue will ensure you'll get a quick and accurate response. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.