Signed numbers sorting - serverside
Signed numbers sorting - serverside

I'm using the "signed-num" plugin but it's not working as expected.
Does this plugin work in the case of server-side mode?
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I'm using the "signed-num" plugin but it's not working as expected.
Does this plugin work in the case of server-side mode?
Sorting and searching plugins are for client side processing only. Your server scrip tis responsible for sorting the signed numbers.
Thanks for your quick answer Kevin. I switched the datatable to client-side processing now. But when pressing that column nothing happens other than the arrow direction change, and this only happens when I apply "signed-num" type to the column.
Do I miss something?
Without seeing it the problem its hard to say. Did you load the JS code? Do you get errors in the browser's console?
Can you post.a link to your page or a test case showing the issue?
Yes the JS code loaded just fine, and no errors in the console. On the other hand, if I comment line: 58 - 60 then the sorting on that column will work again.
Here is the snippet on GitHub:
Without seeing the actual data and issue its hard to say. Please provide running example that shows the issue using .
Then why do you need the plugin?