editor template header and footer.
editor template header and footer.

I have a couple questions in regards to using editor with templates and bootstrap 4. Trying to use the Custom Template for Editor, adding a custom title and the title shows up to the Right of the close "X" button. How do I get the X to not show up at all AND/OR how to I get them in the right order.
Second is there anyway to specify custom classes to be added to the Header, Body and Footer of the final dom layout that Editor will produce for the modal. It would be nice to add some of the bootstrap classes like card-header, card-body and such to these in the setup so that they look nice on render.
only to your second point:
I didn't see anyhting suitable here https://editor.datatables.net/reference/option/ and
here https://editor.datatables.net/reference/api/
But you should double check.
What you can do is inspect the Editor elements with your browser and use jQuery to add your custom classes. That always works.
The trick is to use an Editor event handler to make sure the dom layout exists when adding the classes.
"Open" or "PreOpen" are suitable events for this but others may apply as well:
example from my own coding: