Set Filename for Excel Support

Set Filename for Excel Support

elias122elias122 Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hello together

We use Data Tables latest Version and everything is working fine except the following. How can we set a custom File Name to the Exported Excel File
Below the Code of the Datatable Call:
```<?php include '../includes/head1.php'; $currentPage = 'bulkdig'; $nameservers?>

require '../includes/nav.php';

<?php > ?>

Bulk DIG Tool


div class="container center">


if (isset($_POST['domains'])) {
$idn_domain = $_POST['domains'];

$domain = $idn_domain;
$domain = explode("\r\n", $domain);
$domain = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $domain);



table class='table table-hover table-bordered'>\n");


table id='domains' class='table table-striped table-bordered nowrap'>\n");
printf(" <thead>\n");
printf(" <tr>\n");
printf(" <td>Domain</td>\n");
printf(" <td>ohne www</td>\n");
printf(" <td>www</td>\n");
printf(" <td>MX IP</td>\n");
printf(" <td>MX Eintrag</td>\n");
printf(" </tr>\n");
printf(" </thead>\n");
printf(" <tbody>\n");

foreach ($domain as $entry) {
    $entry = idn_to_ascii($entry);
    $a_record = dns_get_record($entry, DNS_A);
    $www = dns_get_record("www." . $entry, DNS_ANY);
    $mx = dns_get_record($entry, DNS_MX);

    printf("  <tr>\n");
    printf("    <td>%s</td>", $entry);

    printf("    <td>");
    foreach ($a_record as $arr) {
        echo $arr['ip'];
    printf("    </td>");
    printf("    <td>");
    foreach ($www as $arrwww) {
        if ($arrwww["type"] == "CNAME") {
            $cname = $arrwww["target"];
            $cname = dns_get_record($cname, DNS_A);
            foreach ($a_record as $arrcname) {
                echo $arrcname["ip"], "<br>";
            echo "(" . $arrwww["target"], ")";
        } else {
            echo $arrwww["ip"];
    printf("    </td>");

    printf("    <td>");
    foreach ($mx as $arrmx) {
        $mx1 = $arrmx['target'];
        $mx1 = gethostbyname($mx1);
        echo $mx1, " <br>";
    printf("    </td>");
    printf("    <td>");
    foreach ($mx as $arrmx) {
        echo $arrmx['target'], " <br>";
    printf("    </td>");


printf("  </tr>\n");
$domain = strtok("\n");


<?php > <!-- added search and scrollbar when more Entrys ?>

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#domains').DataTable( {
dom: 'Bfrtip',
scrollY: '50vh',
scrollCollapse: true,
"paging": false,
"info" : false,
"order": [],
"searching": true,
buttons: [

        'copyHtml5', 'csvHtml5', 'excelHtml5',

} );

} );




  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    Use filename, see example here.


  • elias122elias122 Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Hello Colin
    Thanks for your help. This worked perfectly

This discussion has been closed.