fnPageChange should allow numbers
fnPageChange should allow numbers

It would be extremely useful if the fnPageChange would allow to chnage the page by setting the page number, not just strings like 'next' or 'previous'
This discussion has been closed.
I had written a library of convenience functions ("Flexible"), I should post it. but here is the code for page change:
oTable.Flex_page(mPage); // or aliased to oTable.DTpage(mPage)
// mPage can be int or:
// 'first', '<<', 'f'
// 'last', '>>', 'l'
// 'prev', '<', 'previous', 'p'
// 'next', '>', 'n'
// '+n', '-n' to move forward or backward by n pages
FLEX_SHORTNAMES = true; // disable or delete this to not include short names
$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.DTpage = DT_Flexible_Plugin.DTpage;
$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.Flex_page = DT_Flexible_Plugin.DTpage;
$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.DTpages = DT_Flexible_Plugin.DTpages;
$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.Flex_num_pages = DT_Flexible_Plugin.DTpages;
* DTpage() / Flex_page() - get/set page in dt (0-indexed!)
* arguments:
* [optional] page - an integer OR
* string "first" or "f" or "<<" for first page
* string "last" or "l" or ">>" for last page
* string "next" or "n" or ">" for next page
* string "previous" or "prev" or "p" or "<" for previous page
* string "+"+integer for current + integer page
* string "-"+integer for current - integer page
* returns: page int
DT_Flexible_Plugin.DTpage = function ( oSettings, iPage ) {
var current_page = 0;
var last_page = 0;
var page_size = oSettings._iDisplayLength;
if (page_size) current_page = Math.floor(oSettings._iDisplayStart / page_size);
if (page_size) last_page = Math.ceil( oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() / page_size) - 1;
if (typeof iPage == 'string') {
iPage = iPage.toLowerCase();
if (iPage == "first" || iPage == "f" || iPage == "<<") iPage = 0;
else if (iPage == "last" || iPage == "l" || iPage == ">>") iPage = last_page;
else if (iPage == "next" || iPage == "n" || iPage == ">" || iPage == "+") iPage = current_page + 1;
else if (iPage == "previous" || iPage == "prev" || iPage == "p" || iPage == "<" || iPage == "-") iPage = current_page - 1;
else if (iPage.charAt(0) == "+" && !isNaN(iPage.substring(1))) iPage += iPage.substring(1);
else if (iPage.charAt(0) == "-" && !isNaN(iPage.substring(1))) iPage += -(iPage.substring(1));
if (typeof iPage == "number") {
// bounds checking
if (iPage > last_page) iPage = Math.floor(last_page);
if (iPage < 0) iPage = 0;
// move to that page number if different than current_page
if (iPage && iPage != current_page) {
oSettings._iDisplayStart = (iPage) * page_size;
current_page = iPage;
return current_page;
* DTpages() - get number of pages in dt
* arguments: none
* returns: page int
DT_Flexible_Plugin.DTpages = function ( oSettings, iPage ) {
if (typeof iPage != "undefined") { "you passed an argument to DTpages / Flex_num_pages. did you mean to call DTpage / Flex_page?"; debugger; }
var last_page = 0;
var page_size = oSettings._iDisplayLength;
if (page_size) last_page = Math.ceil( oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() / page_size);
return last_page;