Reload data from Javascript source

Reload data from Javascript source

iLLneSsiLLneSs Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

i want to reload the data in an existinc table instance.

I have this to make the instance:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#dataTable_Beschattung').DataTable( {
        scrollY:        '600px',
        scrollCollapse: true,
        paging:         false,
        dom: '<"top"Bf>rt<"bottom"ilp><"clear">' ,
        buttons: ['print'],        
        data: dataSet,
        columns: [
            { title: "Bezeichnung" },
            { title: "H&ouml;he" },
            { title: "Winkel" },
            { title: "Position Erreicht" },
            { title: "Position Unbekannt" },
            { title: "Position im Beschattungs- bereich" },
            { title: "H&ouml;he anfahren Fehler" },
            { title: "Winkel anfahren Fehler" },
            { title: "Sicherheits- sperre aktiv" },
            { title: "Automatik- sperre aktiv" },
            { title: "Bediensperre aktiv" },
            { title: "Eingeschr. Bedienung" },
            { title: "Zuleitung Motor pr&uuml;fen" },
            { title: "Ger&auml;t defekt" }
    } );   
} );

Now I have callback functions in the code wich modify my existing "dataSet".

The data must therefore be reloaded. How I do that?

Greetings Alex


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