Rearranging columns highlights all text with colReorder

Rearranging columns highlights all text with colReorder

faresk93faresk93 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I am using ColReorder with my Datatable. The first time I click on a column header to move it, all of the text in the table gets highlighted for some reason. (Moving the column still works.) Oddly enough, this only happens the very first time I do this, after page load. Afterwards, it does not highlight any text.

This isn't an issue with functionality, just appearance (it looks really bad to the end user).
Only that I noticed when removing the ordering **false configuration (or "orderable**" in columns) this issue is solved. But still, I want to keep the ordering false option !

Thanks in advance for any help!

My datatable code is:

$('#example').dataTable( {
"ordering": false,
"colReorder": true
} );


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