Opening a form from custom button
Opening a form from custom button
Posts: 30Questions: 17Answers: 0
Hi all, I can get all my buttons to work below but I am at a loss here. I want the "alert" to be replaced with the "standard_edit_dialog" form(bottom) if possible or something comparable. Can I do this with custom buttons or is there some newer way to do this?
$(function() {
// Data Table
var table =$('#standard_datatable').DataTable({
sortTableByCol : 1,
dom: 'QBfrtip',
buttons: [{
text: 'Add Restricted Entity Group' ,
action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
alert( node);
'copy', 'excel', 'pdf'
ajaxSource : "/cma/contents/screening/restrictedEntityGroup_data",
"columnDefs": [ {
"targets": 0,
"data": null,
"<div align=center ><button onclick=openDataGroup() ><img src=../../css/images/164-glasses-2.png width=14px height= 8px></button><button><img type=button class=btn btn-primary btn-clone src=../../css/images/edit.gif width=14px height=8px></button><button><img src=../../css/images/delete.gif width=14px height= 8px></button></div>"
} ]
} );
// from html side///
<div id="standard_edit_dialog" title="Add Restricted Entity Group" class="cma-ui-form-dialog ui-helper-hidden">
<form id="new_entry_form" method="post">
<fieldset class="ui-widget-content">
<div class="ui-helper-clearfix">
<label for="groupName">Restricted Entity Group Name: </label>
<input required="required" type="text" name="groupName" id="field2" value="" maxlength="35" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all novalue_clone" placeholder="Enter Name"/>
Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.
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