Changing rowGroup().dataSrc does not work
Changing rowGroup().dataSrc does not work

In a React javascript class I am using "": "^1.1.2". I implemented the Data source change event as demonstrated at:
I implemented the code as shown there. I had to set my dataSrc as follows:
const myTable = $('mytable').DataTable({
rowGroup: {
dataSrc: 'userId', //2nd colum in my table (col 1)
I also implemented a disable rowGroup on a click of a link with this code in a function:
Now here is my scenario:
1. Web page with my table renders fine and grouping is correct by "userid".
2. I click my link to disable rowGroup. All of the rows in the table that show the "userid" break disappear.
3. I click on another link to group the table again by "userid". There is no change to the table. No "userid" breaks display..
I figure the reason for this is because I disabled rowGroup in step 2. So in my click function to add back the rowGroup by "userid" I enabled rowGroup() and then set the rowGroup().dataSrc value. Here is my code:
$('').on('click', function (e) {
if (!jqMapsTable.rowGroup().enabled()) { // RowGroup is NOT enabled - disabled in step 2...
jqMapsTable.rowGroup().dataSrc($(this).data('column')); //..set the dataSrce column (contains 1)
jqMapsTable.rowGroup().enable().draw(); //... and enable rowGroup
When this function completes the result is the row under the table header row that typically shows the first "userid" group instead shows "No group". I then tried to set the dataSrc by using the same string value that I used in the rowGroup parameter in the table definition:
.. This throws this error:
jquery.dataTables.js:5928 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'aDataSort' of undefined
What I am trying to do is offer the capability for my users to turn on and off the rowGroup-ing. Am I doing this wrong or is there perhaps a bug in the datatables code? Please advise and thank you for your time.
Since you are using objects your call to
needs to contain the property name. You can't use indexes as this is for array based data. Presumably you are using something like the example:You will need to change
to bedata-column="userId"
.If this doesn't help please provide a link to your page or a test case showing the problem so we can help debug.
Thank you for taking the time here. In order to debug this issue I have deployed this app in AWS. Here is what you can do to reproduce the issue. BTW: I have been able to reproduce this issue in Chrome, FF and Edge. My program does not work yet in IE. I have not put in the required polyfills yet. I will provide my scenario with the assumption that you will be using Chrome:
"in click... columne: userId"
... followed by the error being thrown:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'aDataSort' of undefined
So I have changed the code as you suggested so that the line you referenced now reads
<a className="group-by selected" data-column="userId">Group by User ID</a>
... but the issue still exists.
When time permits can you please advise and thanks again for your time.
BTW If you want to view the javascript the file is called
Thank you
That was fun to track down
The problem isn't with this statement:
But with this:
is theuserId
but it should be the column index.The code and the example in the
docs works if you have array based data. Theorder.fixed()
API expects the first parameter to be the column number.One option might be to add
with the same name as thedata
property. Use that as thecolumn().index()
to get the index to use fororder.fixed()
. Something like this:Kevin
UPDATE: Please use URL: Thank you
Do you still have questions? Did you try my suggestions?
Good morning... I just noticed your responses and thank you. Isn't this forum supposed to send me an email when somebody leaves comments? I will be making your suggested changes in just a few..
Verify your settings by editing your profile and clicking on
Notification Preferences
. If they look correct then PM Colin or Allan to take a look.Kevin
Your suggested code:
var colIndex = jqMapsTable.column( val + ':name' ).index();
.. returns "undefined".
Should we be using jqMapsTable.columns perhaps?
Thank you
Did you define
? And use the same name
?No. You want to return only one column, correct?
Its working like a champ. I'm new with React js so It took me some time to figure out how to set up the string to hold the column name and the ":name" literal without Linter getting mad.
Thanks for your assistance. In case you would like to see it working you can go to I'll leave it up for the rest of the business day then I'll take it down. AWS charges for everything, as I'm sure you know! :>)
Good, glad its working. I haven't used react either. Somehow I managed to pull up the source code yesterday to debug, think I clicked on an error. But I'm not able to find the page now. Please post the change you made for others to see, if they have the same issue.
Sure thing. In addition to adding the "name" attribute (property?) to each column defined in the "columns:[]" array I updated the code from what is shown in the rowGroup documentation example to (this is React.js):
` // Change the fixed ordering when the data source is updated:
Hello Goodnight. The expression
var colIndex = worklist.column( val + ':name' ).index();
it's always returning me undefined. What can it be??
@JúniorSiqueira Without seeing what you are doing its hard to say. Use the browser's debugger and put a breakpoint on that line. From there you should be able to see what is undefined. If you still need help please post a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue so we can help debug.
So, I'm using the example from the rowgroup's own documentation and added the line you indicated above to capture the column index since I'm using it with an object and not with an array.
In the view I have the code
and in .js I have this code:
In the console.log that I put the value is undefined, I could not capture the column index.
Nothing obvious stands out as an issue from your code snippets. Please provide a running test case showing the issue. This way we can help debug.