No saveing with serverSide: false
No saveing with serverSide: false
and another problem with the new version.
After the update you get into an infinite loop when saving ( but only with serverSide:false;.
To see the problem select any row, click on "Edit" and than on "Speichern".
I had previously serverSide:false and would like to keep that for various reasons.
Here is my code:
* Editor client script for DB table tierart
* Created by
$(document).ready(function() {
var editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
"ajax": "tiere_paten_processing.php?xid=<?php echo $xid; ?>",
"table": "#tm_tiere_paten",
"fields": [
"label": "Tier",
"name": "tm_paten_tier.Tier",
"def": "<?php echo $xid; ?>",
"type": "hidden"
"label": "Pate",
"name": "tm_paten_tier.Pate",
"type": "select"
i18n: {
create: {
button: "Neu",
title: "Neuer Eintrag",
submit: "Eintragen"
edit: {
button: "Edit",
title: "Eintrag editieren",
submit: "Speichern"
remove: {
button: "Löschen",
title: "Eintrag löschen",
submit: "Löschen",
confirm: {
_: "Wollen Sie wirklich %d Zeilen löschen?",
1: "Wollen Sie den Eintrag wirklich löschen?"
} );
$('#tm_tiere_paten').DataTable( {
language: {
buttons: {
colvis: "Anzuzeigende Spalten",
colvisRestore: "Zurücksetzen"
paginate: {
first: "Erste",
last: "Letzte",
next: "Weiter",
previous: "Zurück"
search: "Suchen:",
info: "Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen",
infoEmpty: "Zeige 0 bis 0 von 0 Einträgen",
emptyTable: "Keine Einträge vorhanden",
decimal: ",",
thousands: "."
"dom": "B<'clear'>rt",
serverSide: false,
buttons: [
{ extend: "create", editor: editor },
{ extend: "edit", editor: editor },
{ extend: "remove", editor: editor }
"select": true,
"ajax": "tiere_paten_processing.php?xid=<?php echo $xid; ?>",
"columns": [
data: "tm_paten",
render: function ( val, type, row ) {
return val.Name +', '+ val.Vorname;
defaultContent: ""
} );
} );
And here my serverscript
$xid = $_GET["xid"];
// DataTables PHP library and database connection
include( "classes/DataTables.php" );
$db->sql("SET character_set_client=utf8");
$db->sql("SET character_set_connection=utf8");
$db->sql("SET character_set_results=utf8");
// Alias Editor classes so they are easy to use
// Build our Editor instance and process the data coming from _POST
Editor::inst( $db, 'tm_paten_tier', 'id' )
Field::inst( '' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_paten_tier.Tier' )
->options( 'tm_tiere', 'id', 'Name' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_tiere.Name' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_paten_tier.Pate' )
->options( Options::inst()
->table( 'tm_paten' )
->value( 'id' )
->label( array('Name', 'Vorname') )
Field::inst( 'tm_paten.Name' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_paten.Vorname' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_paten_tier.Betrag' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_paten_tier.Intervall' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_paten_tier.Art' )
->options( 'tm_patenart', 'id', 'Name' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_patenart.Name' ),
Field::inst( 'tm_paten_tier.Aktiv' ),
Field::inst( '' )
->where('tm_paten_tier.Tier', $xid, '=')
->leftJoin( 'tm_tiere', '', '=' , 'tm_paten_tier.Tier' )
->leftJoin( 'tm_paten', '', '=' , 'tm_paten_tier.Pate' )
->leftJoin( 'tm_patenart', '', '=' , 'tm_paten_tier.Art' )
->process( $_POST )
What could be the reason for this?
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
This discussion has been closed.
Look at the browser's console, you are getting this error:
Search the forum for the error and you will see threads like this one.
Thank you very much!
This is now also running again. Hopefully there will be a fix for SearchBuilder soon, because that's what I wanted to use.
Now I just have to get the speed under control. Since the update, a call of a page with a total of 6 tables takes about 8 seconds! This was not so before....
Do you, or someone else, have a tip?
The options to try increasing the speed of Datatables are listed in this FAQ.
I have optimized everything.
By chance, however, I just noticed that in the current Edge everything goes fast as usual. Only in Chrome it takes 8 seconds until the page is loaded.
That was not the case before. If I test an old installation, then it also goes fast in Chrome.
Now I am at a loss....
@Rappi Have you resolved it since your last post? I tried your link, , and everything is loading and updating as expected.
Hello Colin,
the problem occurs in the production environment.
but i have created a test page where you can see it very nicely (
It takes about 7-8 seconds to load all the data. Scroll down to see all data.
However, only with Chrome.
With Edge it takes about 2 seconds. Likewise with Firefox, Vivaldi and Blisk.
What was changed in DataTables that Chrome suddenly gets a problem?
I just tried it here with the link you posted, on Ubuntu, with the latest FF and Chrome, and both load within a couple of seconds. Have you tried it in Incognito on Chrome, in case any extensions are causing interference.
Nothing inside DataTables has changed to cause such an effect, so it would be worth debugging locally, especially given it appears to work at the same speed on Linux.