Pass a value in editor.dependent using ajax call
Pass a value in editor.dependent using ajax call
I am trying to build an input field counter
It would count proportional fonts pixel width at some predefined font size.
I know that I can use code similar to that:
editor.dependent(txt', function ( val, data, callback, e ){
return { messages: { txt: editor.field('txt').val().length } };
event: 'keyup change'
But in my case since I have to count proportional fonts so I need to use php function imagettfbbox()
to calculate the value (another benefit is that *.ttf font file can be stored on the web-server)
That's why I have to make an ajax call that will be executed by keyup change event
In that case code would be based on this example:
editor.dependent( 'txt', function ( val, data, callback, e ) {
$.ajax( {
url: './ajax/font-calc.php',
dataType: 'json',
success: function ( json ) {
callback( json );
} );
}, {
event: 'keyup change'
} );
My question is how can I pass a field value via ajax call in editor.dependent?
From network activity I can see that ajax call is made every field value change - this is expected and desired in my case - but I dont know how to pass a value...
My only idea is to encode text for input field in base64 and pass value through GET, like tihs:
url: './ajax/font-calc.php?val=UGxlZWVhc2UsIG5vIGh1cnQsIG5vIGtpbGwuIEtlZXAgYWxpdmUgYW5kIG5leHQgdGltZSBnb29kIGJyaW5nIHRvIHlvdS4=',
So in that case code like this:
editor.dependent( 'txt', function ( val, data, callback, e ) {
$.ajax( {
url: './ajax/update-position.php?val='+btoa(editor.field('txt').val()),
dataType: 'json',
success: function ( json ) {
callback( json );
} );
}, {
event: 'keyup change'
} );
It works but for sure there are better methods...
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
I have figured out how to do that in other way:
Data are properly send to console (I still need to put them in message field)
The problem now is that when I want to update the field I am getting warning:
dataTables.editor.min.js:51 Field is still processing For more information, please refer to
and data are not updated in db (editor window stays open)
How to stop processing?
Ok, sometimes it is worth for fallow a link, even from an error msg

dataTables.editor.min.js:51 Field is still processing For more information, please refer to
Ok so now 1st problem, how to stop that ajax execution when I am using rowReorder plugin?
I am getting error response:
console.log('ERROR BLOCK');
while changing order of rows, probably because there is no access to that field2nd problem:
How Can I put a value from ajax call to
return {messages: { txt: response }};
that code ofc is wrong because response variable exists only inside ajax callSince ajax is asynchronous I probably should make a callback, like:
but how to grab it outside ajax call?
Ok, my close to final code is like:
...and I have no idea why
I can see that I have properly received response from ajax call and forward it to console. There is an object with element responseText that contains the value I am willing to output under input field but for some reason I am unable to grab it simply byresp.responseText
...Ok, found final solution:
rowReordering problem that I have mentioned I have fixed by returning zero if there is no $_POST
So all problems fixed

Sorry for talking to my self
Nice, glad we could help