Looking for Editor version compatibility with required Datatables versions
Looking for Editor version compatibility with required Datatables versions
We currently use Editor 1.8.1 and wanting to upgrade to 1.9.6. Is there a compatibility matrix around that will show the minimum and maximum compatibly Datatables version for each Editor release? I thought I saw something like that when we purchased 1.8.1 but I'm unable to find any details regarding this on the support site and the manual.
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Sorry. I did find the compatibility information in the Editor javascript code. Editor 1.9.6 requires Datatables 1.10.7 or newer. Is the rule of thumb to always use the latest version of Datatables whenever possible?
Yes absolutely. To a large extent we assume that you will be using the latest versions of the software at any point in time. I’d actually strongly recommend at least 1.10.18 for Editor 1.9.6 for example, but the latest release would be best.
Thanks, Allan!