Cells are not triggered in edit event in editor Uncaught ReferenceError: table is not defin
Cells are not triggered in edit event in editor Uncaught ReferenceError: table is not defin
is my code
var editor;
var tabla;
$(document).ready(function () {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
@*ajax: {
edit: {
type: 'POST',
url: '@Url.Action("ClientesNuevos", "ClientesProspectosCom")'
ajax: '@Url.Action("ClientesNuevos", "ClientesProspectosCom")',
table: "#example",
idSrc: 'Id',
fields: [{
label: "Id",
name: "Id"
}, {
label: "Nombre",
name: "Nombre"
}, {
label: "Paterno",
name: "Paterno" /// chingon este wey
//formOptions: {
// inline: {
// onBlur: 'submit'
// }
$('#example').on('click', 'tbody td.row-edit', function (e) {
editor.inline(table.cells(this.parentNode, '*').nodes(), {
submitTrigger: -2,
submitHtml: '<i class="fa fa-play"/>'
$('#example').on('click', 'tbody td.row-remove', function (e) {
editor.remove(this.parentNode, {
title: 'Delete record',
message: 'Are you sure you wish to delete this record?',
buttons: 'Delete'
tabla = $('#example').DataTable({
bInfo: false,
resposive: true,
"scrollX": true,
language: {
"search": "Busqueda",
"emptyTable": "No existe el registros con los criterios seleccionados",
"sNext": "Sig",
"sPrevious": "Ant"
dom: 'Bfrtip',
pageLength: 10,
columns: [
{ data: "Id", visible: true, orderable: true },
{ data: "Nombre", visible: true, orderable: true },
{ data: "Paterno", title: "Paterno", visible: true, orderable: true },
data: null,
defaultContent: 'edit',
className: 'row-edit dt-center',
orderable: false,
visible: true
data: null,
defaultContent: '<i class="fa fa-trash"/>',
className: 'row-remove dt-center',
orderable: false,
visible: true
select: {
style: 'os',
selector: 'td:first-child'
buttons: [{
extend: "createInline",
editor: editor,
formOptions: {
submitTrigger: -2,
submitHtml: '<i class="fa fa-play"/>'
Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.
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You have
In line 2 you are using
. You don't have a variabletable
. You are usingtabla
. Changetable