Error edit cell A system error has occurred mvc c # Hi I am stuck, using datatable editor. I send

Error edit cell A system error has occurred mvc c # Hi I am stuck, using datatable editor. I send

MinsaMinsa Posts: 11Questions: 7Answers: 0

I am stuck, using datatable editor.

I send the data to the controller to minupulate them in a stored procedure. I get them through HttpContext.Current.Request but when I want to return to the datatable with the updater data I don't know how to return them. If request.Form or how to update what I edit in the datatable

is my code

public async Task<ActionResult> ActualizaDescuentos(string PriceGroupId, string Recurso)

            var ObtenerUsuario = Session[LigadoDeUsuario.LlaveInterna].ToString();
            var dato = ObtenerUsuario.Split(':');
            var usuario = dato[0];

            var request = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request;
            var list = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();

            if (request.Form != null)
                foreach (var key in request.Form.AllKeys)
                    list.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(key, request.Form[key]));
            DataUpdateRecursos dataUpdateRecursos = new DataUpdateRecursos();
            dataUpdateRecursos.InventDimId = "Axapta";
            dataUpdateRecursos.PriceDiscItemRelation = Recurso;
            dataUpdateRecursos.DiscountType = list[0].Value;
            dataUpdateRecursos.AmountCur = Convert.ToDecimal(list[1].Value);
            dataUpdateRecursos.AmountQty = 0;
            dataUpdateRecursos.Importe = Convert.ToDecimal(list[1].Value);
            dataUpdateRecursos.Cascada = Convert.ToInt32(list[3].Value);
            dataUpdateRecursos.Secuencia = Convert.ToInt32(list[4].Value);
            dataUpdateRecursos.Factura = list[5].Value;
            dataUpdateRecursos.Usuario = usuario;
            dataUpdateRecursos.Cuenta = Convert.ToInt32(list[6].Value);
            dataUpdateRecursos.PriceGroupId = PriceGroupId;

          return Json(request);

        catch (Exception ex)
            return Json("error" + ex);


editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
ajax: {
url: '@Url.Action("ActualizaDescuentos", "Home")',
type: 'POST',
data: {
PriceGroupId: GpoDescuento,
Recurso: Recurso
success: function (data) {

                     //   tablaDescuentos.ajax.reload();
                    }, error: function (e) {
                table: "#tablaDescuentos",
                idSrc: 'IdDescuento',
                fields: [{
                    label: "IdDescuento",
                    name: "IdDescuento",
                    type: 'readonly',
                    attr: { disabled: true }
                }, {
                        label: "Valor",
                        name: "Valor"

                    , {
                        label: "Monto_Porcentaje",
                        name: "Monto_Porcentaje",
                        type: 'readonly',
                        attr: { disabled: true }
                    , {
                        label: "Cascada",
                        name: "Cascada",
                        type: "checkbox", options: [
                            { label: '', value: 1 }

                    , {
                        label: "Secuencia",
                        name: "Secuencia"
                        label: "Factura",
                        name: "Factura",
                        type: "select",
                        options: [{
                            label: "Incluido en factura",
                            value: "0"
                        }, {
                            label: "Nota de credito",
                            value: "1"
                        }, {
                            label: "Nota de carga a cliente",
                            value: "2"
                    , {
                        label: "Cuenta",
                        name: "Cuenta"
                formOptions: {
                    inline: {
                        onBlur: 'allIfChanged'

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