Return value of the init function for custom condition.
Return value of the init function for custom condition.
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Custom Conditions example returns jQuery in the init function, but it seems that it does not work at least for the string type. I wrote the code below, and it didn't work for el, but worked for el[0]. Can you add some comment for this to the example?
conditions: {
string: {
"notContains": {
conditionName: "Not Contains",
init: function(that, fn, preDefined = null) {
const el = $('<input/>')
.on('input', function() {
fn(that, this);
return el[0]; // here
inputValue: function(el, that) {
return [$(el[0]).val()];
isInputValid: function(el, that) {
return $(el).val().trim().length > 0;
search: function(value, comparison) {
return value.toLowerCase().indexOf(comparison[0].toLowerCase()) === -1;
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