Redis - AWS Elasticache - Serverside
Redis - AWS Elasticache - Serverside
I know that there have been some discussions about Redis and it appears that DataTables can work with it.
But at that time.there appearsed to be an issue with the Serverside processing. I know there was an upgrade to the Serverside processing withe SearchBuilder recently. Do we know if this fixed the issue with Redis as well?
I'm thinking about using a Redis / SearchBuilder / Serverside combination with AWS Elasticache, and wondering if anyone knows if this combination is currently in production?
We haven't written any of our server-side processing scripts to work with Redis I'm afraid. It looks like it might be possible to do using ZRANGE for paging, SORT for ordering. I'm not sure about search conditions though (more than a simple match). I haven't used Redis enough to be able to comment on that aspect I'm afraid.
Thank you for the reply. I will see if the other gentleman has had some.luck.with it. It looks like he was doing well.
On side note. Any thoughts on why the search builder may have disappeared from our site?
Thanks again
I've just sent an e-mail reply about that
Thanks. As always. Amazing help. Thanks again for helping us fix the issue!