Attempting to remove references to TableTools
Attempting to remove references to TableTools

in TableTools
With TableTools now deprecated I am attempting to remove references to it from a legacy application. I have removed the folder from the .Net project as well as the loading script within the JS file. However, when I debug the application to see if I can add buttons to a DataTable as described in the documentation, I still get the buttons that were generated from TableTools.
Does anyone have knowledge of how to remove TableTools completely from the project?
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"now deprecated"? It went the way of the dinosaurs in 2015
It sounds like your project must still have a reference to the TableTools file somewhere. I'm afraid that without debugging your project, we can't really say since it could be coming from anywhere. I'd suggest popping open your browser's inspector > search panel and search for "TableTools" to see where is coming from.
yeah... could have used something better than "now"
so it seems after a restart of the computer, the TableTools buttons are no longer showing up (I'm going to say this was cache even though I thought I cleared Cached and more).
Thanks. I am now looking to add the buttons that should be replacing these TableTools