Field with textarea and button causing issues with search

Field with textarea and button causing issues with search

mcodermcoder Posts: 19Questions: 9Answers: 0

Link to test case:
Here is my test case

The first issue.
If I enter code in the textarea and save it to the database, it is not searchable by datatables. I am missing a component to update dataTables to inform it that the element has been updated, but I am not sure how to do that.

If you enter a value in one of the textareas and search for it, it will not be found. However, any of the values that were there when the table was loaded will be found as DT already knows about them.

The second issue
When using the searchBuilder to search on the Notes field. Lets Say I want to search for "equals Random 1". I cannot do that. It finds the button in the table element also and grabs the text from that element. I need some way to tell the search engine to only look at the textarea object.


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