DataTable CRUD functionality with jEditable pulgin
DataTable CRUD functionality with jEditable pulgin
Hello All,
I am trying to figure out how can I use DataTable CRUD functionality
using jEditable
Since my table has two column [that i want user to edit and table only has four rows] I want to go jEditable way.
Basically in the last column of all the rows I have "EDIT button" when click on EDIT :
1. Make the column for that row editable
2. Change Edit button to Save Button and also add Cancel Button
When user click "Save":
1. send data to server
2. Change Save button to Edit
Please see this image to get better idea
I am trying to figure out how can I use DataTable CRUD functionality
using jEditable
Since my table has two column [that i want user to edit and table only has four rows] I want to go jEditable way.
Basically in the last column of all the rows I have "EDIT button" when click on EDIT :
1. Make the column for that row editable
2. Change Edit button to Save Button and also add Cancel Button
When user click "Save":
1. send data to server
2. Change Save button to Edit
Please see this image to get better idea
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