Cant select the row when searchPane & Select libraries are added.
Cant select the row when searchPane & Select libraries are added.,css,js,console,output
Hi all,
I am not very good on JS development and I am struggling while trying to select the data form a row.
I am styling my row as cards - they display images with a caption, such as in an image gallery.
When I only have the datatables library loaded, the code in the link above can retrieve the selected row data
$(document.getElementById('example')).on('click', 'tr', function (e) {
var currentTarget = e.currentTarget;
if(currentTarget && currentTarget.nodeName === "TR")
var rowIndex = currentTarget._DT_RowIndex;//.rowIndex;
if((rowIndex !== null) && (rowIndex !== undefined) && !isNaN(rowIndex) && (rowIndex >= 0))
var table = $(document.getElementById('example')).DataTable();
var test = table.rows({selected: true});
var selectedItem = table.rows({
selected: true
After I added the SearchPane & Select extension libraries, the code no longer works.
I can't tell what is going on, can somebody help?
Any help is hugely appreciated.
Can you give me a link to a running example showing the error please? I don't immediately see anything from the code shown there that would cause the issue described.