Sorting a column with bgcolor loses the bgcolor markup

Sorting a column with bgcolor loses the bgcolor markup

dshapirodshapiro Posts: 13Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2011 in General

I am using TableTools and enjoy the fixed header along with sorting. Well, until I noticed that sorting a column with color markup (i.e., bgcolor=acolor lines causes the color information to not display. It is interesting that if I sort another column that does not have color markup, I see that the column with color markup remains, but if I click to sort the actual column with color markup it all goes away. Any options or something I can use so that it stops removing the markup? If I click on another column after losing the color, the color returns in the column with color markup. Another side note is that I switched to just use FixedHeader and the sort isue remained, so it does not appear to be TableTool related.

Here is an example of a table row:

ROSEBUDclearSolaris zone - Development - Address Appliance.non-criticalLocal ZoneUnixSun10.20----NCLMN123ABC13--JOEBCode: 0 Start Date: 11/08/11 Message: successfully completedCode: 0 Start Date: 11/08/11 Message: successfully completed


  • dshapirodshapiro Posts: 13Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I tried: asStripClasses: [], which removes the striping, and my colors remained during sorting, so it appears to be the striping stuff that is overwriting my color stuff during a sort. It looks like an array thing of some sort. I am wondering if you can specify columns to strip, which would allow me to strip all but the columns I use color.
  • dshapirodshapiro Posts: 13Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited November 2011
    asStripClasses's array sets the css style for the whole row, not individual columns (sigh). Anybody have ideas on this or dealt with this?
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