SearchPanes - bug? Pane opening for css border colors

SearchPanes - bug? Pane opening for css border colors

a6039a6039 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited July 2022 in Free community support

SearchPanes are showing a filter option for a css border for an existing column.

I am creating a css border for each row based on a value.

      createdRow: function (row, data, index) {
        {# create a right border line with the color specified for the trial #}
        $('td', row).eq(2).css("border-right", "5px solid " + data['trial_color']);

The table displays correctly with the border.

If I open a search pane, The border colors come up in a search window along with the other columns that meet the threshold. I cannot figure out how to disable the search option for the border colors since it is not a table column to target[].

Any ideas would be appreciated.


  • a6039a6039 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Additional info. Using latest libraries sp-2.0.2
    Also, if I set show: false on all columns but one, the border colors come up in their own search pane. Doesn't matter which one column I choose.

  • a6039a6039 Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Just figured out that there was an invisible column that comes up in a searchpane.

    {# used below in coloring border #}
    {data: 'member__trial_arm__color', visible: false},

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