PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.4 Issue

PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.4 Issue

ItherIther Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited December 2022 in Free community support

I recently upgraded my site from PHP 5.6 to 7.4 and immediately noticed none of my SSP:simple tables are working. If I downgrade my site back to 5.6 they work fine and in dev they do the same--5.6 works, 7.4 doesn't. What I see is that the query runs and keeps running until it hits my memory limit (which is at 1.5GB right now for testing).

I have no no idea why this is suddenly an issue.

Datatables 1.10 and I am using the latest SSP.class from the git.

I recognize that my $table below may not be ideal -- it worked fine all this time. I did, however, rewrite it according to the standard design on here where I entered the actual table. It still just kept running until I ran out of memory.

The error I get is this:

DataTables warning: table id=tabledt - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

Which translates to: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2147483648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 316674048 bytes)

In 5.6 my table renders in less than 2 seconds.

Thanks everyone for any help you can provide! :smile:

DT setup

                processing: true,
        serverSide: true,
        ajax: { 
            url: "<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/action.php/search/flightsearch",
            type: "POST"

PHP script

$dbDetails = array(
            'host' => DBASE_SERVER,
            'user' => DBASE_USER,
            'pass' => DBASE_PASS,
            'db'   => DBASE_NAME
        $table = "(SELECT, a.code, a.flightnum, a.depicao, AS 'depairport', a.deptime, a.arricao, AS 'arrairport', a.arrtime, a.distance, a.flighttime
                        FROM wat_schedules AS a
                        INNER JOIN phpvms_airports AS b
                        ON a.`depicao` = b.`icao`
                        INNER JOIN phpvms_airports AS c
                        ON a.`arricao` = c.`icao`
                        WHERE a.code != 'WAX' AND a.code !='WAE') temp";
        $primaryKey = 'id';
        $columns = array(
            array( 'db' => 'code' ),
                'db' => 'flightnum',
                'dt' => 0,
                'formatter' => function ( $d, $row) {
                    return $row[code] . $d;
                'db' => 'depicao',
                'dt' => 1,
                'formatter' => function ($d, $row) {
                    return '<strong>' . $d . '</strong><br/>' . $row[depairport] ;
            array( 'db' => 'depairport' ),
                'db' => 'deptime',
                'dt' => 2,
                'formatter' => function ($row) {
                    return $row . '<br/><small> UTC</small>';
                'db' => 'arricao',
                'dt' => 3,
                'formatter' => function ($d, $row) {
                    return '<strong>' . $d . '</strong><br/>' . $row[arrairport] ;
            array( 'db' => 'arrairport' ),
                'db' => 'arrtime',
                'dt' => 4,
                'formatter' => function ($row) {
                    return $row . '<br/><small> UTC</small>';
                'db' => 'distance',
                'dt' => 5,
                'formatter' => function ($row) {
                    return $row . ' nm';
            array( 'db' => 'flighttime',
                'dt' => 6,
                'formatter' => function ($row) {
                    return $row . ' hrs';
        return SSP::simple($_GET, $dbDetails, $table, $primaryKey, $columns);


  • ItherIther Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Disregard! I found the problem.

    In 7.4 if you use something like $row[columnname] it has to be $row['columnname'] in order to work.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,015Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    Thanks for the update. Sounds like the syntax has been tightened up (I didn't actually don't you could reference an array element without quotes in 5.x!).


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