After fill the table with data, sometimes the spinner or loader doesn't disappear
After fill the table with data, sometimes the spinner or loader doesn't disappear
Error messages shown:
Uncaught TypeError: a._responsive._responsiveOnlyHidden is not a function
at B.<anonymous> (dataTables.responsive.min.js:46:503)
at Function.hasHidden (jquery.dataTables.min.js:122:330)
at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (restaurant:1283:39)
at HTMLTableElement.dispatch (bundle.js:2:138508)
at m.handle (bundle.js:2:136503)
at Object.trigger (bundle.js:2:167056)
at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (bundle.js:2:167652)
at Function.each (bundle.js:2:98111)
at T.fn.init.each (bundle.js:2:96590)
at T.fn.init.trigger (bundle.js:2:167627)
Description of problem:
Basically, depending on the table I'm loading, sometimes I receive the error shown above. So the table have the data but with blur and loader in front, this prevents the normal usage of the table.
How can I fix it? I'm using the datatables responsive
I'm using the datatables responsive
We'll need a link to the page showing the issue to be able to debug it.
I cannot provide a link
I'm going to need a way to be able to debug the issue. At the moment I don't have enough information to be able to offer any help.
Perhaps you can use or JSFiddle to create an example of the issue.
I have discovered that the error appears when I have more columns than I can print on the screen. The horizontal scroll is not available. Somehow the responsive is launched and I think the function _responsiveOnlyHidden is not available on time.
Seems I was wrong. The object I receive doesn't have the function available.
I'm happy to take a look at a test case showing the issue, but there really isn't much I can do to debug the issue without being able to see it.
Updating a dependency finally solved it
Sorry Allan for not being able to create an example of the error.
Thanks for your time anyway
No worries - good to hear you've got it working now.