Issue when refreshing - Object doesn't support this property or method.
Issue when refreshing - Object doesn't support this property or method.
I have been trying to solve this for days now. I am hoping that finally posting on this forum will be the last ditch effort that gets rid of this annoying bug.
I am currently building an ASP.NET application. I've been using DataTables to render the .NET gridviews and everything has been working beautifully....most of the time.
I am finding that sometimes when I load the application, or when I hit refresh in the browser I get an error saying "Object doesn't support this property or method"
//Build Data Table
var gv = $('#gvFiles');
var tr = gv.find('tr:first').detach();
'fnDrawCallback': function (oSettings) {
if (oSettings.aiDisplay.length == 0) {
var nTrs = $('#gvFiles tbody tr');
var iColspan = nTrs[0].getElementsByTagName('td').length;
var sLastGroup = "";
for (var i = 0; i < nTrs.length; i++) {
var iDisplayIndex = oSettings._iDisplayStart + i;
var sGroup = oSettings.aoData[oSettings.aiDisplay[iDisplayIndex]]._aData[1];
if (sGroup != sLastGroup) {
var nGroup = document.createElement('tr');
var nCell = document.createElement('td');
nCell.colSpan = iColspan;
nCell.className = 'ui-state-default';
nCell.innerHTML = sGroup;
nTrs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(nGroup, nTrs[i]);
sLastGroup = sGroup;
'aaSortingFixed': [[1, 'asc']],
'aaSorting': [[1, 'asc']],
'bJQueryUI': true,
"sDom": '<"toolbar"><"H"fr>t<"F"lip>',
'aoColumnDefs': [
{ 'bVisible': false, 'aTargets': [0, 1] }
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"aLengthMenu": [[25, 50, 100, -1], [25, 50, 100, "All"]]
It is almost as if the dataTables script file hasn't loaded completely by the time this function is fired. Is this a timing issue? Are my script files conflicting with one another? Any ideas?
Thank you,
I am currently building an ASP.NET application. I've been using DataTables to render the .NET gridviews and everything has been working beautifully....most of the time.
I am finding that sometimes when I load the application, or when I hit refresh in the browser I get an error saying "Object doesn't support this property or method"
//Build Data Table
var gv = $('#gvFiles');
var tr = gv.find('tr:first').detach();
'fnDrawCallback': function (oSettings) {
if (oSettings.aiDisplay.length == 0) {
var nTrs = $('#gvFiles tbody tr');
var iColspan = nTrs[0].getElementsByTagName('td').length;
var sLastGroup = "";
for (var i = 0; i < nTrs.length; i++) {
var iDisplayIndex = oSettings._iDisplayStart + i;
var sGroup = oSettings.aoData[oSettings.aiDisplay[iDisplayIndex]]._aData[1];
if (sGroup != sLastGroup) {
var nGroup = document.createElement('tr');
var nCell = document.createElement('td');
nCell.colSpan = iColspan;
nCell.className = 'ui-state-default';
nCell.innerHTML = sGroup;
nTrs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(nGroup, nTrs[i]);
sLastGroup = sGroup;
'aaSortingFixed': [[1, 'asc']],
'aaSorting': [[1, 'asc']],
'bJQueryUI': true,
"sDom": '<"toolbar"><"H"fr>t<"F"lip>',
'aoColumnDefs': [
{ 'bVisible': false, 'aTargets': [0, 1] }
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"aLengthMenu": [[25, 50, 100, -1], [25, 50, 100, "All"]]
It is almost as if the dataTables script file hasn't loaded completely by the time this function is fired. Is this a timing issue? Are my script files conflicting with one another? Any ideas?
Thank you,
This discussion has been closed.
Should I try using a different script loader like LabJS or RequireJS(
Maybe there is a more simple solution that I am missing. I am fairly new with this stuff.
Thank you for your response! I just wanted to let you know that I have resolved this issue. Turns out, it had nothing to do with the code. It was just a quirk that was occuring when developing locally in Visual Studio. I went ahead and deployed the application to an actual web server and everything seems to be golden.
Thank you,