Column resizes when clicked on sort

Column resizes when clicked on sort

swathimungaraswathimungara Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited December 2011 in General

I have recently started using DataTables.

I am using a datatable with width specified for the columns. Please find the function

function SetupRequestTable() {
SetupTablesFullUIWithExport("#requestTable", {
aoColumns: [
{ bSearchable: false, bSortable: false, sWidth: 50 }, // actions
{sWidth: 18 }, // id
{sWidth: 50 }, // status
{sWidth: 30 }, // rank
{sWidth: 150 }, // name
{sWidth: 50 }, // type
{sWidth: 95 }, // group
{sWidth: 75 }, // duplicate of
{sWidth: 90 }, // application area
{sWidth: 70 }, // product mgr
{sWidth: 400 }, // description
{sWidth: 400 }, // problem need
{sWidth: 400 }, // solution
{sWidth: 400 }, // benefit
{sWidth: 90 }, // tech. difficulty


And i have bAutoWidth set to false. My issue is when i click on the sort the columns width is getting resized. This is happening only in IE 9. IE 8 and mozilla firefox is working fine....

But when i give same width to all the columns its working fine in IE 9 also, but i need different widths in the table.

Thanks in advance,

Swathi M
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