Editor labels in Datatables Field not translated
Editor labels in Datatables Field not translated

When I use the regular new, edit and delete buttons with an editor inside a datatables field, the labels only appear in English, although I generally use German translations. How can these strings be added to the translation file?
You need a
parameter in the language file you are loading - e.g.:Looks like those are missing from the translation files - I'll take a look into that. But if you add those there parameters to your file, that should do the job.
Thanks @allan, the Editor buttons are in an extra array like this:
Adding it to the buttons array doesn't seem to be doing the trick, though...
@allan I've checked my translation file and updated it. However most of the strings even in datatables (like "previous"/"next" and so on) don't seem to care that they are translated.
When inspecting the ajax response from the german json file (downloaded from the available translation files), I get the following error message: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected double-quoted property name at line 55 column 5 of the JSON data
Not sure what that means, as all strings are double-quoted
I guess that's the reason the translation isn't loaded correctly when viewing the table etc.?