Datatable's fixed header adds width and min-width when scrolls down

Datatable's fixed header adds width and min-width when scrolls down

Ariharan_LothbrokAriharan_Lothbrok Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

Im newbie rails developer in my application i have used datatable for my tables.
In Tables, the fixedHeader causes some additional widths and min-widths when we scroll down and re-sync with header, i will attach my datatable's option below for your reference i dont know the cause of issue, i assumed that this might related to fixedHeader because when i set fixedHeader to false the issue doesn't occurs.

    @table = $($table).DataTable(
    stateSave: true
    stateDuration: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # save state for a week
    columns: table_cols()
    serverSide: true
    pagingType: "input",
    sDom: '<"top">rt<"bottom"fipl><"clear">'
    sPaginationType: 'simple_numbers'
    iDisplayLength: 15
    bAutoWidth: false
    autoWidth: false
    fixedColumns: true
    fixedHeader: {
    headerOffset: MENU_OUTER_HEIGHT
    order: that.col_to_sort($table)
    aaSorting: that.col_to_sort($table)
    url: dataUri
    data: (thing) =>
    for columnData in thing.columns
    columnData.orderable = undefined = undefined
    columnData.s = columnData.searchable
    columnData.searchable = undefined
    thing.filter = @filter_data()
      stateSaveParams: (settings,data) ->
        data['filter'] = DataTable.filter_object
      'aLengthMenu': [
        [10, 15,25 ,50, 100], [10, 15,25 ,50, 100]
        'sLengthMenu': '_MENU_',
        'szeroRecords': 'Nothing found - sorry',
        'sInfo': '_MAX_ records found',
        'sInfoEmpty': 'No records',
        'sInfoFiltered': '(filtered from _MAX_ total records)',
          'sPrevious': '<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm default next"> <%=  image_tag 'ico-prev@3x.png',alt:' ' %></a>',
          'sNext': '<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm default next"> <%=  image_tag 'ico-next@3x.png',alt:' ' %></a>',
          'bSortable': true
        'sProcessing': '<div class="table-loader">
                          <%= image_tag 'logo.png', alt: "  "%>
                          <div class="preloader-underline"></div>
    .on( 'stateSaveParams.dt', (e, settings, data) ->
      data['filter'] = that.filter_data()
    .on('init.dt',() ->
      id =
      localstorage_key = 'DataTables_' + id + '_' + window.location.pathname
      if Storage.get(localstorage_key)
        DataTable.filter_object = Storage.get(localstorage_key).filter
        DataTable.filter_object = {}
    return this


  • allanallan Posts: 64,032Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    If you could link to a test case showing the issue that would let me debug the problem.


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